Games I Put in Forty Hours or More On.
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Fallout 3 - Xbox 360
134 hours. Still caught in a three way tie for the most time I've spent on a game. Needless to say I did everything available, including all the expansions.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES - PlayStation 2
134 hours, caught in the 3 way tie for first. I didn't 100% the compendium, but I came close. After you get Lucifer and Satan the game becomes so easy there's little point.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy XII - PlayStation 2
134 hours. The third member of my three way tie for first place. I did almost every hunt, all but the last four I believe. I didn't bother getting many of the ultimate weapons, the drop system required to get them is one of my only real complaints about this game.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Dragon Quest VII - PlayStation
114 Hours. The first game I ever broke 100 hours on. I remember thinking it seemed ridiculous back then. And I didn't even get everything!
wordsasbombs's rating:

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - PlayStation 2
104 hours I believe. Mind you I didn't recruit nearly as many persona as I did in 3, something like 75% as opposed to 98%.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Street Fighter Alpha 3 - PlayStation
100+ Hours. This could very well be my real number one. I just know the last time I checked it was a little over 100 and I played quite a bit after that. Needless to say I kind of obsessed over this game for something like two years straight.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy IX - PlayStation
90+ Hours. I did everything imaginable but getting excalibur 2. Because that's just silly.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Street Fighter IV - Xbox 360
The last time I remember checking my total time spent before getting Super Street Fighter 4, I was at over 80 hours.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy VIII - PlayStation
80+ hours. A portion of it was because I got pretty into the card game for awhile.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation
80+ hours on my longest playthrough. My quickest was in the high 50s. Mind you ALOT of the time was spent on chocobo breeding, one of my favorite RPG sidequests ever.
wordsasbombs's rating:

The Legend of Dragoon - PlayStation
I'm pretty sure I got 80+ hours out of this one. Sad thing is for all that time invested it wasn't very memorable.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King... - PlayStation 2
86 Hours. I can honestly say that this game felt like the perfect length for a great RPG.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy Tactics - PlayStation
70+ Hours. I loved this game and accordingly did everything there was to do, Even building up Cloud's level to 50+ so I could use him in my final party.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy XIII - PlayStation 3
70+ Hours. Would have been only in the 50s had I not gone back and did all the optional stuff later.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy X - PlayStation 2
60+. I got almost everything, except for the orb for Kimahri's ultimate weapon, because I don't like Kimahri and nothing is worth finishing that lightning dodging side quest. Oh and I didn't beat some of the more ridiculous optional bosses.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Final Fantasy X-2 - PlayStation 2
42 Hours. This one just barely made it. Mind you I only got 76% completion. I kind of just wanted to hurry up and get through this one by the end, and I didn't use any walkthroughs.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Don't Starve - PC Games
40 Hours and counting. I haven't beaten it yet, and with updates coming in for the next 6 months, this one could end up pretty high.
wordsasbombs's rating:

Every Game I have allotted at least forty hours of play time on.`Of course, this is only listing games that tell you your allotted time, so there may be others. Some of them are roughly estimated from memory, and there are a few that I didn't include but I'm pretty sure I played more than forty (Tales of Destiny 2 comes to mind)
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