Funniest Family Guy Deleted Scenes
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ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Family Guy Season 6 - Seth MacFarlane
Stewie the Sniper and Quagmire the Necrophiliac

The Evil Monkey Gets Even
In the episode "the Former Life of Brian", Brian's son Dylan beats the shit out of the Evil Monkey. Then, at the end of the episode, Dylan and his mother take off in a cab. A deleted bit shows that the cab is being driven by the Evil Monkey. It is implied that the Evil Monkey beats the shit out of them.

The Evil Monkey Gets Even
In the episode "the Former Life of Brian", Brian's son Dylan beats the shit out of the Evil Monkey. Then, at the end of the episode, Dylan and his mother take off in a cab. A deleted bit shows that the cab is being driven by the Evil Monkey. It is implied that the Evil Monkey beats the shit out of them.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Some of the funniest moments on Family Guy were deleted for TV, but included on DVD.
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