Films I've Seen in 2014 (August)
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Showing 1-50 of 62
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Rio 2 (2014)
When: August 1st
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: An unnecessary clichรฉd sequel.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: An unnecessary clichรฉd sequel.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

About Last Night (2014)
When: August 1st
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A charmless, laugh-free, meandering rom-com.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A charmless, laugh-free, meandering rom-com.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
When: August 1st-2nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A dark, and well plotted, vigilante film.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A dark, and well plotted, vigilante film.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 2nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Netflix Instant
What'd I Think?: Mildly entertaining, but incredibly stupid diversion.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Netflix Instant
What'd I Think?: Mildly entertaining, but incredibly stupid diversion.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Watch (2012)
When: August 2nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Witless, overly vulgar, but decent premise.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Witless, overly vulgar, but decent premise.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

A Haunted House (2013)
When: August 3rd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Netflix Instant.
What'd I Think?: Unfunny, almost pathetic dreck.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Netflix Instant.
What'd I Think?: Unfunny, almost pathetic dreck.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Back-Up Plan (2010)
When: August 3rd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Shockingly sweet and actually kind of funny.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Shockingly sweet and actually kind of funny.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

A Most Wanted Man (2014)
When: August 4th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: A slow, but engrossing & unique spy thriller.
Other Notes: This is the 1700th film I've watched.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: A slow, but engrossing & unique spy thriller.
Other Notes: This is the 1700th film I've watched.
garfield2710's rating:

Legion (2010)
When: August 4th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Theologically and artistically misguided in every way.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Theologically and artistically misguided in every way.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 5th-6th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A bizarre, entertaining, witty, and interesting experience.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A bizarre, entertaining, witty, and interesting experience.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 6th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Scary, minimalistic campire story.
Other Notes: I get the feeling this is going to be my most controversial rating in a long while.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Scary, minimalistic campire story.
Other Notes: I get the feeling this is going to be my most controversial rating in a long while.
garfield2710's rating:

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
When: August 7th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: Fun, smart, dazzling sci-fi adventure.
Other Notes: NA.
When: August 31st
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: See above.
Other Notes: This was the first free movie I saw as a perk from my job as a movie theater usher.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: Fun, smart, dazzling sci-fi adventure.
Other Notes: NA.
When: August 31st
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: See above.
Other Notes: This was the first free movie I saw as a perk from my job as a movie theater usher.
garfield2710's rating:

RoboCop (2014)
When: August 7th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A dull, forgettable action film.
Other Notes: For the record, I have not seen any of other RoboCop films.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A dull, forgettable action film.
Other Notes: For the record, I have not seen any of other RoboCop films.
garfield2710's rating:

3 Days To Kill (2014)
When: August 7th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A bizarre clashing of genres that never meshes.
Other Notes: I watched the Unrated cut.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A bizarre clashing of genres that never meshes.
Other Notes: I watched the Unrated cut.
garfield2710's rating:

A Cat in Paris (2010)
When: August 8th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Short, but smart, funny, and unique.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Short, but smart, funny, and unique.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Yogi Bear (2010)
When: August 8th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Unfunny, confused, predictable mess.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Unfunny, confused, predictable mess.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Pillow Talk (1959)
When: August 8th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD borrowed from my aunt.
What'd I Think?: Slow beginning, but smart, witty, innovative comedy.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD borrowed from my aunt.
What'd I Think?: Slow beginning, but smart, witty, innovative comedy.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

In Bruges (2008)
When: August 8th-9th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Moving, brilliantly crafted tragicomedy.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Moving, brilliantly crafted tragicomedy.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Reservoir Dogs (1992)
When: August 9th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Gory, brutal, engrossing, entertaining crime saga.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Gory, brutal, engrossing, entertaining crime saga.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 9th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Wasted, unnecessary, & unfunny.
Other Notes: NA
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Wasted, unnecessary, & unfunny.
Other Notes: NA
garfield2710's rating:

Panic Room (2002)
When: August 9th
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Smart, tense, original thriller.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Smart, tense, original thriller.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Flatliners (1990)
When: August 10th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: VHS from the library.
What'd I Think?: Great premise, some good ideas, but not fully realized.
Other Notes: This needs to be remade.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: VHS from the library.
What'd I Think?: Great premise, some good ideas, but not fully realized.
Other Notes: This needs to be remade.
garfield2710's rating:

The Debt (2010)
When: August 10th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Not perfect, but still a well made thriller.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Not perfect, but still a well made thriller.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Jackal (1997)
When: August 11th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Not as smart as it pretends to be, but still entertaining.
Other Notes: I haven't watched the original.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Not as smart as it pretends to be, but still entertaining.
Other Notes: I haven't watched the original.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 11th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: An insulting, sexist, and unfunny piece of drivel.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: An insulting, sexist, and unfunny piece of drivel.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Legend of Hercules (2014)
When: August 12th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Boring, completely forgettable, painfully dull "epic."
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Boring, completely forgettable, painfully dull "epic."
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Runaway Jury (2003)
When: August 13th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: A ludicrous, implausible, and unsubtle political thriller.
Other Notes: I will freely admit that my own political bias had something of a say in my opinion of this film. Make of that what you will.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: A ludicrous, implausible, and unsubtle political thriller.
Other Notes: I will freely admit that my own political bias had something of a say in my opinion of this film. Make of that what you will.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 13th-14th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: A gratifying, sometimes hilarious, revenge flick.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: A gratifying, sometimes hilarious, revenge flick.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Paparazzi (2004)
When: August 14th-15th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Decent, unspectacular, but semi-cathartic.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Decent, unspectacular, but semi-cathartic.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Houdini (1953)
When: August 16th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Inaccurate, but entertaining biopic.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Inaccurate, but entertaining biopic.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

50/50 (2011)
When: August 16th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: A poignant, heartwarming, and funny film.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: A poignant, heartwarming, and funny film.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Fearless (1993)
When: August 16th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Hypnotizing, haunting examination of near death experiences.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Hypnotizing, haunting examination of near death experiences.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 16th-17th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: VHS from the library.
What'd I Think?: Smart, exciting, & thrilling.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: VHS from the library.
What'd I Think?: Smart, exciting, & thrilling.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Son Of God (2014)
When: August 17th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Earnest, sometimes inspiring, but redundant, and overlong.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Earnest, sometimes inspiring, but redundant, and overlong.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 17th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Inoffensive, forgettable, watchable girl's fantasy.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Inoffensive, forgettable, watchable girl's fantasy.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Words (2012)
When: August 18th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Dull, overly complicated, missed opportunity.
Other Notes: I watched the unrated extended cut.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Dull, overly complicated, missed opportunity.
Other Notes: I watched the unrated extended cut.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 18th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from Netflix and DVD from the Library.
What'd I Think?: Slick, smooth, undeniably entertaining.
Other Notes: The Netflix DVD stopped working, hence why I had to go to the library to get a copy.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from Netflix and DVD from the Library.
What'd I Think?: Slick, smooth, undeniably entertaining.
Other Notes: The Netflix DVD stopped working, hence why I had to go to the library to get a copy.
garfield2710's rating:

Resident Evil (2002)
When: August 18th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Loud, stupid, and ridiculous.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Loud, stupid, and ridiculous.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
When: August 19th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Confusing, jumbled, incredibly stupid sequel.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Confusing, jumbled, incredibly stupid sequel.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 20th
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Stylized, entertaining, near brilliant homage to film noir.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Stylized, entertaining, near brilliant homage to film noir.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Office Space (1999)
When: August 20th-21st
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think? A funny and relatable social satire.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think? A funny and relatable social satire.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 21st
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: I honestly don't know what to make of it.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: I honestly don't know what to make of it.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Winter's Tale (2014)
When: August 21st
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Jumbled, confusing, boring, and ridiculous.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Jumbled, confusing, boring, and ridiculous.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

300 (2007)
When: August 21st-22nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Very nice looking, sometimes entertaining, but no substance.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Very nice looking, sometimes entertaining, but no substance.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

A Goofy Movie (1995)
When: August 22nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: An energetic, funny, feature length cartoon.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: An energetic, funny, feature length cartoon.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 22nd-23rd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: High concept, decently explored.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: High concept, decently explored.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

When: August 23rd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Great visuals and a solid story.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Great visuals and a solid story.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

The Good Shepherd (2006)
When: August 23rd
First Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: At times engrossing, but too long.
Other Notes: NA.
First Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: At times engrossing, but too long.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Brazil (1985)
When: August 24th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: A visually interesting, and surrealistic pitch black comedy.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: A visually interesting, and surrealistic pitch black comedy.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

You Only Live Twice (1967)
When: August 24th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Goofy but memorable Bond outing.
Other Notes: NA.
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Goofy but memorable Bond outing.
Other Notes: NA.
garfield2710's rating:

Load more items (12 more in this list)
Best Film: Very, very close call. I'll say Guardians of the Galaxy.
Biggest Surprise: The Blair Witch Project
I'm shocked it didn't suck: The Back-Up Plan.
I'm shocked this wasn't better: 300.
Most Underrated: A Cat in Paris.
Most Overrated: Runaway Jury.
Worst Film: Legion.
Biggest Surprise: The Blair Witch Project
I'm shocked it didn't suck: The Back-Up Plan.
I'm shocked this wasn't better: 300.
Most Underrated: A Cat in Paris.
Most Overrated: Runaway Jury.
Worst Film: Legion.
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