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this masterpiece it's the conclusion of the best trilogy ever made
Dark Warrior 's rating:

this legendary western movie as everything a unforgetable story a memorable soundtrack and great actors.. charles bronson henry fonda jason robards and the beautiful claudia cardinale. another masterpiece
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
this sci fi action movie is even after more then 20 years still the best action movie of all time.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

The Road Warrior (1981)
this sci fi action movie was #1 as the best sci fi action movie ever made until terminator 2 but in my mind it will be always 1 of the best action movie of all time.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

that's 1 of the best martial art action movie ever produced. quentin tarantino as created the best parody of martial art movie's of the 70's. it's a original cult movie that only 1 person on earth can do like that and he's name is ... quentin tarantino
Dark Warrior 's rating:

the 2nd part of the legendary trilogy as some outstanding battles that no one will ever forget.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Where Eagles Dare (1968)
one of the first great action movie of all time. it's intelligent with one of the most memorable scenery that create's one of the most original spy movie with some great action sequence.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

the beginning of this marvelous trilogy bring's us in the fantastic world of the middle earth and there legendary character's. it's also the start of the dangerous quest of frodon with gandalf and aragorn around this fantastic world created by j.r.r.Tolkien.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

The Matrix (1999)
the fantastic world of the matrix is one of the most original sci fi story that was created since total recall in 1990. the spectacular martial art action sequence directed by yuen woo ping influenced the new generation of action movie maker's and elevated the new action movie's to another level of greatness.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Spider-Man 2 (2004)
the 2nd Spider-man is with the dark knight (2008) the best superheroes movie's of all time. it's funny with some great emotional moments plus it's spectacular.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

this cult movie is legendary for is original story and for is delirious outfits. this gang movie is still the best even after 30 years.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Braveheart (1995)
this spectacular epic movie is the best movie of mel gibson as a director and actor. the battle's are astonishing and the story is remarquable plus the beauty of sophie marceau and catherine keener sparkle's in this historical adventure full of action.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

House of Flying Daggers (2004)
this masterpiece is not only a martial art epic movie it's a beautiful story between two people who are falling in love even if they are enemies. the lovely zhang ziyi shine's in this marvelous story between love and hate.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

this oscar winning motion picture is one of the best martial art action movie of all time.zhang ziyi is marvelous is some of the most beautiful action scene ever made signed by the master of martial art choreography himself yuen woo ping.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

this 3rd part of the terminator series as astonishing visual effect with great actresses like claire danes and the lovely kristanna loken as the sexy lady terminator.this movie is sexy and full pack of action from the beginning till the end.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
this sci fi action motion picture is one of the best even if the story is illogical. the action sequence are spectacular and monica bellucci is beautiful in a short role.despite a poor story the matrix reload is a fun movie to watch.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Blade II (2002)
the best one from the series with spectacular visual effects and a great story signed by david s. goyer.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
this surrealistic martial art action comedy is extraordinairy original and very delirious. it's very disturbing with a lot of gratuitous violence but in a funny way. this movie as everything... emotional moments and tons of funny scene full of action.this comedy it's a masterpiece in a violent way.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

The Terminator (1984)
this spectacular sci fi action movie as transformed arnold schwarzenegger into a legend. he's physical presence is astonishing and no one in this world could have done it better.it's like clint eastwood in sergio leone's the man with no name series nobody could have done it like clint eastwood.
Dark Warrior 's rating:

one of the greatest motion picture of the past 10 years.javier bardem is outstanding as the cold killer who hunt's is prey (josh brolin).this movie is already a classic movie like scarface (1983) and the good the bad and the ugly (1967).
Dark Warrior 's rating:

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