Favorite GBA Games
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Mother 3 - Game Boy Advance
Everything about it is perfect. Duster is best boi
SomethingCoolIDK's rating:

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 - Game Boy Advance
The reason I chose this one instead of the first was because of one and only one reason: Dinah. She's adorable and snarky and sweet and amazing, that's really the only reason I need. Other than that the story is intriguing the and the gameplay is certainly unique, especially with the crafting system, whether or not it's better than the first is certainly debatable.
SomethingCoolIDK's rating:

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - Game Boy Advance
Total timesink, I can't really explain the joy of farming in a way that would make farming sound fun. The true joys of this game for me comes in making "buying/selling" guides for items, and getting the beautiful women to like me.
Bachelorettes ranked best to worst:
Harvest Goddess
Bachelorettes ranked best to worst:
Harvest Goddess
SomethingCoolIDK's rating:

Pokemon: LeafGreen Version - Game Boy Advance
I have played this game so much, that I literally know it inside out. I can speedrun this, and I have.
SomethingCoolIDK's rating:

I was always a fan of handheld gaming more than console or PC gaming, it just fit my short-attention span and casual lifestyle more. The GBA, alongside the PSP, is probably what I sunk most of my time into. So instead of saying the same thing you've heard a thousand times, let's just get started!
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