Favorite Anime Soundtracks
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Bubblegum Crisis: Complete Vocal Collection - Kinuko Omori, BLUEW, Yuiko Tsubokura, Maiko Hashimoto, Akiko Hiramatsu, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Michie T
Cowboy Bebop Tank! THE! BEST! - Yoko Kanno,The Seatbelts
An awesome compilation of Cowboy Bebop's uber cool score, although it's worth your time to listen to all the albums (particularly Blue). Quite possibly my all-time favorite anime soundtrack.
spiegel's rating:

Ergo Proxy: Opus 1 OST - Yoshihiro Ike, Monoral
Let's be honest... the only reason this is here is Paranoid Android.
Memories: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Yoko Kanno, Hiroyuki Nagashima, Jun Miyake, Takkyu Ishino
One could probably sum up this list as everything composed by Yoko Kanno.
Noir Original Soundtrack V.1 - Yuki Kajiura
A sub par anime with a breathtakingly lovely soundtrack by Yuki Kajiura.
spiegel's rating:

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