Dream Dictionary
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Processing Dreams
(aka "Personal Assistant")
Imagine that you have an after-hours Personal Assistant whose job is to render spotless the messy office of your mind every night while you're asleep. Your Personal Assistant gets out the DustBuster and cleans up the clutter, files important documents, discards irrelevant scraps, and helps find solutions and ideas for questions that were posed throughout the day. Is it any wonder that when people are unsure about a decision they say "Let me sleep on it...I'll let you know in the morning."

Venting Dreams
(aka "Pool Man")
I Rant, Therefore I Am - Dennis Miller
Venting dreams are nightmares that, in spite of being traumatic, are extremely helpful and therapeutic. They represent your subconscious mind's attempt to assist you with the process of cleaning out the old in order to make room for the new. They usually occur as nightmares or frightmares; anxiety dreams that leave you shaken up. They are showing you what you are ready to release. Think of venting dreams as the energetic Pool Man whose area of expertise is sweeping the floor of your emotional pool. The Pool Man stirs up your greatest fears, resentments, and unresolved wounds that have been lurking at the bottom of your pool. Once all of this nonsupportive energy surfaces, it can then be skimmed away so that you can have a nice, clean, refreshing emotional pool in which to swim.

Integrating Dreams
(aka "Artist")
You are an infinite being, housed within a finite space known as your body. If you've ever dabbled in metaphysics, you know that you are connected to everything and everyone. You are a microcosm of humanity. Not just the heroic, brave, saintly aspects, but the villainous and the thieving as well, and everything in between...all the aspects that you are proud to be associated with, and others you'd prefer not to touch with a ten-foot pole. Any association you deny, the dark and seedy, or even the extremely wise and noble, will rattle your cage during the night until you face and embrace that it is you.
Your integration dreams are like your inner Artist that sees every color on your human palette as beautiful. Your Artist does not see the pastel colors as more interesting than the dark tones, or the muted colors as more fascinating than the bright tones. In fact your Artist is a master of blending the colors of your inner rainbow, shadows with light and light with shadows, to paint the masterpiece of your life.
In the dreamtime, your Artist rescues colors that you have rejected, lost, or disowned and returns them to the palette of your heart so they can be integrated. Reconnecting can at first be disorienting, uncomfortable, and even disturbing. However, once you've adjusted, you'll discover new dimensions of yourself, and a greater mastery within.
Your integration dreams are like your inner Artist that sees every color on your human palette as beautiful. Your Artist does not see the pastel colors as more interesting than the dark tones, or the muted colors as more fascinating than the bright tones. In fact your Artist is a master of blending the colors of your inner rainbow, shadows with light and light with shadows, to paint the masterpiece of your life.
In the dreamtime, your Artist rescues colors that you have rejected, lost, or disowned and returns them to the palette of your heart so they can be integrated. Reconnecting can at first be disorienting, uncomfortable, and even disturbing. However, once you've adjusted, you'll discover new dimensions of yourself, and a greater mastery within.

Breakdown/Breakthrough Dreams
(aka "Construction Worker")
Breakdown (1997)
As a spiritual being having a human experience, you are constantly moving from glory to greater glory. In other words, once you get comfortable and cozy in one identity or life construct, you can bet your bottom dollar that your ol' friend Change is going to pay you a visit. You can either welcome Change with open arms, or he will huff and puff and...well, you know the rest.
Most human beings cling ferociously to a mere semblance of life, and try (unsuccessfully) to avoid change/death/transition/transformation at all costs. We tend to think that our lives should always be characterized by having it all together--thus the human comedy.
Most human beings cling ferociously to a mere semblance of life, and try (unsuccessfully) to avoid change/death/transition/transformation at all costs. We tend to think that our lives should always be characterized by having it all together--thus the human comedy.
ToonHead2102's rating:

Recurring Dreams
(aka "Secret Agent")
Recurring Dream: The Very Best Of Crowded House... - Crowded House
Your recurring dreams are like a Secret Agent, on a mission for the SIA (Subconscious Intelligence Agency). The mission: to deliver a message to your conscious mind that will either clear up an issue from the past or move you toward a more desirable future, should you choose to accept it. Until the mission is accomplished, the Secret Agent will try again and again until the message is received and decoded successfully.

Precognitive Dreams
(aka "Fortune-teller")
The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction... - David Orrell
A world-renowned psychic once said that he wasn't so much of a psychic as an observer of patterns. He said that he could pick up a person's energy in this moment, combine it with his understanding of the predictable patterns and archetypes that most human beings gravitate toward, and, in an instant, predict the person's future. This is how your own inner Fortune-teller works. While you are asleep and your conscious mind is dormant, your Fortune-teller tiptoes outside and observes your life from afar, gaining an objective perspective of your patterns and primary archetypes. From your current patterns, your Fortune-teller attempts to predict the future and prepare you for what is likely to come.

Prophetic Dreams
(aka "Angel")
The Prophecy (1995)
Prophetic dreams are our own personal burning bushes that can, if we heed their messages, teach us more than any book, class, or teacher ever can.

Wish Fulfillment Dreams
(aka "Genie")
Aladdin (1992)
A wish fulfillment dream, like a genie in a bottle, aligns you with the resonance of your heart's and soul's desires. Just as people who are wealthy attract more wealth to themselves and happy people attract more circumstances to themselves that make them happy, when you move in the direction of your dreams by acting as if they've already come true, you add velocity to the process of manifestation. Wish fulfillment dreams are a powerful key to your ability to manifest that which you desire.
Wish fulfillment dreams might include dreams about an upcoming vacation, an ideal scene at work, or the resolution of a conflict that you've had with a sibling. Because your subconscious mind cannot discern between actual events and that which is vividly imagined, your wish fulfillment dreams actually create an energetic map that can lead you from where you are to where you would like to be. Whereas your venting, processing, integration, and breakdown/breakthrough dreams help you to release that which is in your way of having your greatest and fullest life experience, your wish fulfillment dreams help to take you the rest of the way toward manifesting your desires.
Wish fulfillment dreams might include dreams about an upcoming vacation, an ideal scene at work, or the resolution of a conflict that you've had with a sibling. Because your subconscious mind cannot discern between actual events and that which is vividly imagined, your wish fulfillment dreams actually create an energetic map that can lead you from where you are to where you would like to be. Whereas your venting, processing, integration, and breakdown/breakthrough dreams help you to release that which is in your way of having your greatest and fullest life experience, your wish fulfillment dreams help to take you the rest of the way toward manifesting your desires.
ToonHead2102's rating:

Dream Dictionary - G
Guitar Hero - PlayStation 2
Dreams of a guitar signify that you are in harmony with life, and are attuning to your natural rhythm. If a guitar is electric, then it is showing you that you are connecting with energy that is penetrating and shocking. A guitar is also a phallic symbol. [See Music and Musical Instrument.]
Dreams of a guitar signify that you are in harmony with life, and are attuning to your natural rhythm. If a guitar is electric, then it is showing you that you are connecting with energy that is penetrating and shocking. A guitar is also a phallic symbol. [See Music and Musical Instrument.]

Dream Dictionary - P
Dreams of a priestess symbolize your connection to your feminine essence, your introspective energy, and spiritual power.
Dreams of a priestess symbolize your connection to your feminine essence, your introspective energy, and spiritual power.
[See Award, Gift, and Reward. See also Wish Fulfillment Dreams.]
[See Award, Gift, and Reward. See also Wish Fulfillment Dreams.]
Dreams of probation denote that you are feeling under scrutiny, needing to prove yourself and be on your best behavior. They are giving you the message that if you continue to make amends and practice forgiveness, you will succeed in finding your freedom.
Dreams of probation denote that you are feeling under scrutiny, needing to prove yourself and be on your best behavior. They are giving you the message that if you continue to make amends and practice forgiveness, you will succeed in finding your freedom.
The Promotion (2008)
Dreams of a promotion signify that you will be receiving recognition and advancement, and that you are supported as you move in the direction of your dreams. [See Raise. See also Wish Fulfillment Dreams.]
Dreams of a promotion signify that you will be receiving recognition and advancement, and that you are supported as you move in the direction of your dreams. [See Raise. See also Wish Fulfillment Dreams.]
Dreams of a prop denote that you are lifting someone else's spirits, and taking a secondary, supportive role as you help someone realize his or her vision. If you're feeling as though you're just a prop, you are venting your feelings of being unessential, which, of course, you're not. [See Accessories.]
Dreams of a prop denote that you are lifting someone else's spirits, and taking a secondary, supportive role as you help someone realize his or her vision. If you're feeling as though you're just a prop, you are venting your feelings of being unessential, which, of course, you're not. [See Accessories.]
A dream of prosecuting someone is an integration dream reflecting your desire to prove another's guilt to exalt your own position. The qualities you are "prosecuting," which you find so offensive, are disowned aspects of yourself. [See Critic and Judge. See also Integration Dreams.]
A dream of prosecuting someone is an integration dream reflecting your desire to prove another's guilt to exalt your own position. The qualities you are "prosecuting," which you find so offensive, are disowned aspects of yourself. [See Critic and Judge. See also Integration Dreams.]
ToonHead2102's rating:

Story of a Prostitute (1965) (1965)
Dreams of a prostitute are a message to be cautious of selling yourself out, misusing your sexual power to get what you want or need, and compromising your integrity.
Dreams of a prostitute are a message to be cautious of selling yourself out, misusing your sexual power to get what you want or need, and compromising your integrity.
Protein Source of the Future Now - Mountain Goats
Dreams of protein symbolize slow-burning energy, as in a long-enduring romance, stable job, or reliable friendship, that sustains, stabilizes, and nurtures you. [See Low Carbs and Meat.]
Dreams of protein symbolize slow-burning energy, as in a long-enduring romance, stable job, or reliable friendship, that sustains, stabilizes, and nurtures you. [See Low Carbs and Meat.]
Prozac Nation (2003)
Dreams of Prozac denote your desire to be in control of your feelings and emotions, to become grounded, and to get back in balance.
Dreams of Prozac denote your desire to be in control of your feelings and emotions, to become grounded, and to get back in balance.
If you dream of a psychiatrist, then this represents your desire for self-understanding and a desire to discover the solution to your challenges. You are tapping into your own compassion and ability to discover the solutions you seek. Perhaps a dream of a psychiatrist is showing you that the labels you put on people or on yourself are either empowering or disempowering. Consider the feeling tone. [See Life Coach. See also Processing Dreams.]
If you dream of a psychiatrist, then this represents your desire for self-understanding and a desire to discover the solution to your challenges. You are tapping into your own compassion and ability to discover the solutions you seek. Perhaps a dream of a psychiatrist is showing you that the labels you put on people or on yourself are either empowering or disempowering. Consider the feeling tone. [See Life Coach. See also Processing Dreams.]
Dreams of publicity symbolize a need for attention, recognition, acknowledgment, and a desire to draw attention to yourself and your projects. Keep in mind that the person you most need to impress is you. Alternatively, dreams of publicity denote confidence and boldness.
Dreams of publicity symbolize a need for attention, recognition, acknowledgment, and a desire to draw attention to yourself and your projects. Keep in mind that the person you most need to impress is you. Alternatively, dreams of publicity denote confidence and boldness.
Critique of Judgment (Hackett Publishing) - Immanuel Kant
Dreams of publishing denote influence, change, transformation, and mutation of human consciousness. You desire to make your mark on the world. [See Printing Press.]
Dreams of publishing denote influence, change, transformation, and mutation of human consciousness. You desire to make your mark on the world. [See Printing Press.]
Dreams of a puddle symbolize trapped emotions, slippery topics that you prefer to skirt in the midst of a difficult emotional terrain. Consider the feeling tone.
Dreams of a puddle symbolize trapped emotions, slippery topics that you prefer to skirt in the midst of a difficult emotional terrain. Consider the feeling tone.
Pulitzer Prize
Dreams of this literary accomplishment signify that you are realizing the power of your words, whether written, spoken, or contained within your own mind. [See Award and Play.]
Dreams of this literary accomplishment signify that you are realizing the power of your words, whether written, spoken, or contained within your own mind. [See Award and Play.]
Dreams of a pulpit symbolize your desire to express yourself and your spiritual convictions. Perhaps they are giving you the message to follow your higher calling. [See Priest.]
Dreams of a pulpit symbolize your desire to express yourself and your spiritual convictions. Perhaps they are giving you the message to follow your higher calling. [See Priest.]
Pump - Aerosmith
Dreams of a pump signify that you desire to increase your self-esteem, profits, and energy level.
Dreams of a pump signify that you desire to increase your self-esteem, profits, and energy level.
Puppet Master (1989)
Dreams of a puppet signify that you've been abdicating your power, or that you have been abusing it. If you are feeling powerless, manipulated, or used, then these dreams are a message to cut the strings that bind you and take back your authority. If you are a puppeteer, you are realizing your powers of manipulation.
Dreams of a puppet signify that you've been abdicating your power, or that you have been abusing it. If you are feeling powerless, manipulated, or used, then these dreams are a message to cut the strings that bind you and take back your authority. If you are a puppeteer, you are realizing your powers of manipulation.
T.U.F.F. Puppy (2010)
Dreams of a puppy symbolize your most innocent, cute, cuddly, and playful self. You are realizing how lovable you are, and perhaps you are discovering how lovable someone else is. Dreaming of a puppy could signify puppy love, and that you have a crush on someone.
Dreams of a puppy symbolize your most innocent, cute, cuddly, and playful self. You are realizing how lovable you are, and perhaps you are discovering how lovable someone else is. Dreaming of a puppy could signify puppy love, and that you have a crush on someone.
Purple - Stone Temple Pilots
Dreams of the color purple symbolize spirit, wisdom, and intuition. [See Indigo.]
Dreams of the color purple symbolize spirit, wisdom, and intuition. [See Indigo.]
Dreams of your purse represent important aspects of yourself, your soul, your identity, and purseonal power. If you dream that you lose your purse, then you are going through an ego-identity transformation.
Dreams of your purse represent important aspects of yourself, your soul, your identity, and purseonal power. If you dream that you lose your purse, then you are going through an ego-identity transformation.
Puzzle - Biffy Clyro
Dreams of a puzzle symbolize your attempts at solving life's mystery. You are recognizing the order in the midst of the seeming randomness of the people, places, and events of your life. Things are beginning to make sense to you. [See Processing Dreams.]
Dreams of a puzzle symbolize your attempts at solving life's mystery. You are recognizing the order in the midst of the seeming randomness of the people, places, and events of your life. Things are beginning to make sense to you. [See Processing Dreams.]
Pyramids - Pit Er Pat
If you dream of a pyramid, then you are connecting to ancient wisdom and mystical secrets. Dreams of a pyramid denote your connection to ancient days of Egyptians, Mayans, and Toltecs. If you are building a pyramid in a dream, then you might be feeling overwhelmed by a Herculean task in front of you. If you are climbing a pyramid, this signifies that you are engaged on a very noble and spiritual path. Dreams of a pyramid may be warning you about a pyramid marketing/"get rich quick" scheme.
If you dream of a pyramid, then you are connecting to ancient wisdom and mystical secrets. Dreams of a pyramid denote your connection to ancient days of Egyptians, Mayans, and Toltecs. If you are building a pyramid in a dream, then you might be feeling overwhelmed by a Herculean task in front of you. If you are climbing a pyramid, this signifies that you are engaged on a very noble and spiritual path. Dreams of a pyramid may be warning you about a pyramid marketing/"get rich quick" scheme.

Dream Dictionary - Q
Dreams of being on the QT denote that you are unfolding the mystery of your life in a secretive way, and perhaps your intentions are incognito. Perhaps you are hiding from yourself. [See Detective.]
Dreams of being on the QT denote that you are unfolding the mystery of your life in a secretive way, and perhaps your intentions are incognito. Perhaps you are hiding from yourself. [See Detective.]
Quack Pack (1996)
Dreams of a quack signify that you are grappling with issues of trust and authenticity, or that you are venting out your fear of being found out as not who you claim to be.
Dreams of a quack signify that you are grappling with issues of trust and authenticity, or that you are venting out your fear of being found out as not who you claim to be.
ToonHead2102's rating:

Quarantine (2008)
Dreams of being quarantined denote feelings of isolation, loneliness, and the misconception that you are inherently flawed, unloved, and unlovable. They may also be telling you to take some alone time to get in touch with your spiritual source and energy that support you while you release that which no longer serves you.
Dreams of being quarantined denote feelings of isolation, loneliness, and the misconception that you are inherently flawed, unloved, and unlovable. They may also be telling you to take some alone time to get in touch with your spiritual source and energy that support you while you release that which no longer serves you.
Dreams of a quarry signify that you are finding the blessing in disguise in the midst of a current life challenge, and that you are extracting your spirit from the rubble of your ego. [See Stone.]
Dreams of a quarry signify that you are finding the blessing in disguise in the midst of a current life challenge, and that you are extracting your spirit from the rubble of your ego. [See Stone.]
Dreams of a quartet denote that you are harmonizing your sub-personalities, aligning your body, mind, spirit, and soul. [See Four.]
Dreams of a quartet denote that you are harmonizing your sub-personalities, aligning your body, mind, spirit, and soul. [See Four.]
Dreams of quartz crystal represent preciousness, and the ability to make a positive impact on people. Also, they signify that healing is taking place and that your life's purpose is being amplified.
Dreams of quartz crystal represent preciousness, and the ability to make a positive impact on people. Also, they signify that healing is taking place and that your life's purpose is being amplified.
Dreams of a queen signify noble stature and authority, and that you are in touch with your earthly power, confidence, and purpose. They also reflect your relationship with powerful women, your mother or grandmother.
Dreams of a queen signify noble stature and authority, and that you are in touch with your earthly power, confidence, and purpose. They also reflect your relationship with powerful women, your mother or grandmother.
Dreams of a quesadilla symbolize circular patterns with regards to the way you nurture yourself. [See Food and Mexico.]
Dreams of a quesadilla symbolize circular patterns with regards to the way you nurture yourself. [See Food and Mexico.]
Quest (1996)
Dreams of a quest are a sign that it is time for you to courageously engage upon your mission and connect with your higher vision. Perhaps you've already begun courting your higher attributes and fulfilling your most noble destiny.
Dreams of a quest are a sign that it is time for you to courageously engage upon your mission and connect with your higher vision. Perhaps you've already begun courting your higher attributes and fulfilling your most noble destiny.
The Proust Questionnaire - Henry-Jean Servat
Dreams of a questionaire represent your inquisitive nature. If you feel confident about a questionaire, then you are sure of yourself and feel that there is nothing to hide. If you feel uneasy about a questionaire, then this denotes secrecy, uncertainty, and/or insecurity.
Dreams of a questionaire represent your inquisitive nature. If you feel confident about a questionaire, then you are sure of yourself and feel that there is nothing to hide. If you feel uneasy about a questionaire, then this denotes secrecy, uncertainty, and/or insecurity.
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Please don't anyone sue me for plagiarism. I'm HEAVY into dreams - and decoding them. I have a book here that's been on load from the library since - gosh knows how long. Fortunately it's not very popular so I'm the only one who ever seems to check it out but just encase I do have to give it up - see I've kind of been using it as a security blanket for a while. (The book being titled "I Had the Strangest Dream..." by Kelly Sullivan Walden) even though I've since come to learn though interests in Native American shamanism and metaphysics that dreams are more heavily complex than the 'suggestions' outlined in the book.
Nevertheless this is probably some of the most ACCURATE interpretations of basic common symbols and I thought it might be a good idea to copy them down here, one symbol as a time so I can finally hand in the book some day. Anybody who happens to look at this list feel free to use this as your own personal guide, toward INNER self discovery and soul ascension...
Travel well, we'll meet you on the other side..."
Nevertheless this is probably some of the most ACCURATE interpretations of basic common symbols and I thought it might be a good idea to copy them down here, one symbol as a time so I can finally hand in the book some day. Anybody who happens to look at this list feel free to use this as your own personal guide, toward INNER self discovery and soul ascension...
Travel well, we'll meet you on the other side..."
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