Creep Movie
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Teddy, the lead character, who has killed many people, in exchange of jealousy towards the person. He is a very dark individual, who seeks Meghan for love.

Evan, the closest friend to Teddy, who has no idea what is going on with him. He doesn't believe Teddy and his killings. During the climax Evan becomes a very important part

Meghan, a girl that Teddy seeks for love. Teddy spys on her from her window. She has a very abusive house hold, she is a very friendly invididual but also a very shy one

Jax, a tough cop on the case. Who does things his way and his own way. Also an indvidual who likes to jump to conclusion

Tim, the 2nd cop on the case. A much calmer individual, who likes to look at details closley, then jumping to conclusion

Tracey, a prostitute who has a strong but disfunctional relationship with Evan, she is always skeptical of Evan.
wow my mind wanders too much. i have an idea for a movie about a guy who spys on people from his house and kills them from far distances, and he is a little bit of a creep, THE FIRST 8 ACTORS R THOSE WHO I HAVE AN IDEA TO PLAY THE CREEP
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