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Paul Newman and Jackie Witte

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
Joanne: "From the beginning, Paul and I had an advantage: we were good friends before we were lovers. I mean, we really liked each other. We could talk to each other. We could talk to each other, we could tell each other anything without fear of ridicule or rejection. There was trust."
Joanne's description of being married Paul: "Being married to the most considerate, romantic man".
Paul on why their marriage lasted: "... because of 'great impatience tempered by patience. When you have been together this long, sometimes you drive each other nuts, but underneath that is some core of affection and respect.'"
Paul about Joanne's support: "Joanne has always given me unconditional support in all my choices and endeavours, and that includes my race car driving, which she deplores. To me, that's love."
Paul Newman on marriage: “I’ve repeatedly said that for people who have as little in common as Joanne and myself, we have an uncommonly good marriage. We are actors. We make pictures and that’s about all we have in common. Maybe that’s enough. Wives shouldn’t feel obligated to accompany their husbands to a ball game, husbands do look a bit silly attending morning coffee breaks with the neighborhood wives when most men are out at work. Husbands and wives should have separate interests, cultivate different sets of friends and not impose on the other ... You can’t spend a lifetime breathing down each other’s necks ... We are very, very different people and yet somehow we fed off those varied differences and instead of separating us, it has made the whole bond a lot stronger.”
Joanne on love and marriage: "Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat."
Paul on why he never was unfaithful to Joanne: "Why fool around with hamburger when you have steak at home?"
Yovita's rating:

Paul and Linda Eastman
Paul: "Every love song I write is for Linda."
Paul:"I got a counsellor because I knew that I would need some help. He was great, particularly in helping me get rid of my guilt [about wishing I'd been] perfect all the time ... a real bugger. But then I thought, hang on a minute. We're just human. That was the beautiful thing about our marriage. We were just a boyfriend and girlfriend having babies."
Yovita's rating:

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz
Javier at the Cannes Film Festival: “I share this joy with my friend, my companion, my love: Penelope: I owe you a lot and I love you so much."

Peter Sarsgaard and Maggie Gyllenhaal
Maggie: "Peter has been absolutely equal in terms of parenting. He really understands what it means to work until 5 in the morning, which I did the other day, or if I say, 'I need you to sit down and help me learn these lines,' or 'I need you to take Ramona.'" And it goes both ways ..."
Yovita's rating:

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
C. S. Lewis
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C. S. Lewis
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