Cheesy '"family" photos. Bleccchhh!
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ALF (1986)

Ugh. What was this sort of shit in the 80s?

I am *so* glad my family was dysfunctional and there are no idiotic photos like this of us floating around...
Lex's rating:

Just weird...

Where the hell does that kid's arm lead to? There is something very weird about this photo....

Where the hell does that kid's arm lead to? There is something very weird about this photo....
Lex's rating:

This show was so old fashioned and quaint, I can't actually make that much fun of it. Yes. It was quaint.

Where is Uncle Beeeeeel?

Where is Uncle Beeeeeel?
Lex's rating:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Not really a family, but lame family style all the same...

I was sure I added these before... major deja vu here.

I was sure I added these before... major deja vu here.
Lex's rating:

Full House (1987)
How could you *not* expect these freaks to have a million of these photos... *shudders uncontrollably...

God the clothes sucked so so much back then... Jesus...

That one is seriously freaky!

How on earth could people actually wear that crap?!

I can just imagine this show with today's issues. Some emo kid cuts in the kitchen and the father flips out because he just got the floor nice and clean.... seriously this was one messed up show. That my cousins watched every day at 3. Ugh. I could have walked away but I was too lazy.

This show would have been awesome (sort of) if the guys had all been cross-dressers and you had to pick out which one was really the female suffering from post partum depression. My guess is it's the "father", he looks about ready to snap (look at him)!
This week, special guest star Andrea Yates and.... never mind, I can't possibly say what I was going to say. But really, a "Shutter Island" cross-over with those idiot kids laid out in front of the slip and slide.... yeah, I will have to go back to working on my horror lists soon.
I just want to punch all of these people in their annoying little brown-nosing faces.

God the clothes sucked so so much back then... Jesus...

That one is seriously freaky!

How on earth could people actually wear that crap?!

I can just imagine this show with today's issues. Some emo kid cuts in the kitchen and the father flips out because he just got the floor nice and clean.... seriously this was one messed up show. That my cousins watched every day at 3. Ugh. I could have walked away but I was too lazy.

This show would have been awesome (sort of) if the guys had all been cross-dressers and you had to pick out which one was really the female suffering from post partum depression. My guess is it's the "father", he looks about ready to snap (look at him)!
This week, special guest star Andrea Yates and.... never mind, I can't possibly say what I was going to say. But really, a "Shutter Island" cross-over with those idiot kids laid out in front of the slip and slide.... yeah, I will have to go back to working on my horror lists soon.
I just want to punch all of these people in their annoying little brown-nosing faces.
Lex's rating:

Growing Pains (1985)
The little blond kid's head looks way too big. Maybe he is supposed to be "special".

This was taken after Leo Di Caprio's street-kid character weasels his way into the family by looking cute. He has it all, doesn't he? Good looks, intelligence, an ability to manipulate unsuspecting families, access to gasoline...

This was taken after Leo Di Caprio's street-kid character weasels his way into the family by looking cute. He has it all, doesn't he? Good looks, intelligence, an ability to manipulate unsuspecting families, access to gasoline...

Lex's rating:

King of the Hill (1997)
Just- if this family were real...just...damn. I hate these people. Thank god they are cartoons.

Yet another reason never to visit Texas....or the Southern States in general.

Yet another reason never to visit Texas....or the Southern States in general.
Lex's rating:

Married with Children (1987)

It's amazing how many of these "families" have pet dogs. Why not cats? Cats aren't good enough for these people?!
Lex's rating:

Medium (2005)
Smile weirdo psychic family!

Was that the Wal-mart special? Seriously, where was this taken? They could have at least splurged and gotten the fake autumnal trees background, couldn't they?

Was that the Wal-mart special? Seriously, where was this taken? They could have at least splurged and gotten the fake autumnal trees background, couldn't they?
Lex's rating:

This is the type of creepy family photo that tells the viewer... don't EVER screw with these people. EVER.

(Actually, I love how this production photo is so damn misleading and has nothing at all to do with the spirit of the movie).

(Actually, I love how this production photo is so damn misleading and has nothing at all to do with the spirit of the movie).
Lex's rating:

Lex's rating:

Small Wonder (1985)

I love how the stalkerish neighbor girl on the far left is in the family portrait... seriously, they need to get a restraining order. And the least she can do is sit up properly like the rest of the family.
I never noticed before but the boy is one tubby little mother effer. Maybe put down the twinkies and go play outside or something, the spare tire around his prepubescent gut is about to explode.
What an ugly family.
Lex's rating:

South Park (1997)

Stan looks mildly evil in this line up, but it's Kenny who really reminds me of Henry from "the Good Son" in this image.
Lex's rating:

The Brady Bunch (1969)

Are the parents getting married? Could the kids look anymore upset? Jeez.

Look at these douche-bags.
Lex's rating:

The Cosby Show (1984)

Jello, anyone? Anyone want some Jello? Look, I'm a shiznattz WHAT? That's insane! *makes idiotic Bill Cosby noises*

The little girl in the front was thinking about killing him but then there'd be no more JELLO!
Lex's rating:

The Simpsons (1989)
What can I say? Only family here (except maybe for the Barclay's from Child's Play and the Freeling's from the Poltergeist movies) I can actually stomach.

Come to think of it I think I do have some family photos somewhere... or my mother does. Snapped by my uncle while we stood in front of the barbecue pit looking clueless.

Come to think of it I think I do have some family photos somewhere... or my mother does. Snapped by my uncle while we stood in front of the barbecue pit looking clueless.
Lex's rating:

Just what it says. Cheesy family photos, or posed group photos. The type of shit most families have *somewhere*, except for the dysfunctional families like mine that never get around to taking shitty photographs like this.
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