Casting Disney
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Character: Hades
Movie: Hercules

Yes I know he already provides the voice for him but really, when I think about it I can't picture anyone but Woods as the character
Movie: Hercules

Yes I know he already provides the voice for him but really, when I think about it I can't picture anyone but Woods as the character
DreaVeronica's rating:

DreaVeronica's rating:

DreaVeronica's rating:

Character: Tarzan
Movie: Tarzan

Not gonna lie, I partly picked him because I want to see him in as little clothing as possible.
Movie: Tarzan

Not gonna lie, I partly picked him because I want to see him in as little clothing as possible.
DreaVeronica's rating:

Character: Snow White
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

I agree with Hollywood, I believe that Collins will make an amazing Snow White
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

I agree with Hollywood, I believe that Collins will make an amazing Snow White
DreaVeronica's rating:

DreaVeronica's rating:

My picks for whom I would want playing the characters in live action versions of Disney Movies. Note that I considered: Looks, personality (how similar is theirs to the character's) and chemistry.
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