Books read in 2009
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The Fratricides - Nikos Kazantzakis
This one I picked up at quite random, guess I liked the cover. And was very surprised. The book itself deals a lot with the basic questions about war and faith, and though I' not a very religious person, this book had at least some of the most intense depictions of human suffering I've ever encountered in literature.
Cuomi's rating:

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Penguin Modern Classics)... - Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn
Cuomi's rating:

Deadeye Dick - Kurt Vonnegut
Quite minimal but very absurd with a class-Vonnegut hero failing with his life as usual. Art, murders, a suburbian neutron-holocaust, Hitler, pharmacism, sexual problems, all grinded through a Vonnegut-filter.
Cuomi's rating:

The Magic Lantern: An Autobiography - Ingmar Bergman
Very thoughtful(duh), gives away many many interesting aspects about Jöngman's personal persona. Hoh.
Cuomi's rating:

Love All the People - Bill Hicks_II
Simply outstanding. The only thing to mention about this one is the fact that the book itself goes through a lot of routines, with many jokes and subjects repeated over and over again. But that's not a big deal at all and doesn't infect the overall value.
Cuomi's rating:

The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time... - Hunter S. Thompson
What can you possibly say about this one? An essential brick of gonzo with the mandatory drunken roamings around the most shit-ass dangerous spots on the globe, but also the trademark knife-sharp political satire, Nixon-rantings, Muhammad Ali, Hell's Angels, Jimmy Carter's fixation on Bob Dylan, Ralph Steadman's huge cultural heartbreak at the Kentucky Derby. And even though I can't honestly say that I'd haven a huge fascination towards every single subject, This one has it all and that's the way it should be.
Cuomi's rating:

Aika Prahassa - Pentti Saarikoski
A nice little piece of two month's decadence in eastern Europe. The usual stuff with the big, mostly futile plans about future and moaning for the hole. Good snack.
Cuomi's rating:

Nenän Pakinat - Pentti Saarikoski
A large collection of juxtapositions, parody, crack, satirical babling and some senseless innovation-suggestions. All those vivid newspaper-shouts through the sixties draw a fascinating image of the writer's conflicting persona and view of the world.
Cuomi's rating:

Howl and Other Poems - Allen Ginsberg
Well, some Allen. These gave me what I expected: some intense lyrical memoirs featuring a lot of familiar faces including Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady. The mandatory gay-stuff and those furious social and anti-social 'Howls' in the form of epic poetry that Ginsberg handled so well.
Cuomi's rating:

Teoreema - Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pasolini's deep survey of the bourgeoisie's spiritual and social downfall, with lots of religious aspects, some heavy symbolism and poetry. This one needs to be chewed for a good while I guess, liked very much.
Cuomi's rating:

Tabu - Timo K Mukka
Very much like Mukka's first novel but in a miniature-size. Very easy to read though the imagery isn't alike at all as expected. A nice little one, but not much else.
Cuomi's rating:

Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo
This one I've had in my toilet for so long I can't even remember, but now I finally decided to finish it. And I have to say that it has earned all it's reputation as a an anti-war centerpiece. The narrator's inner dialogue with his thoughts and memories is the most intense mindflow I've read for a long time.
Cuomi's rating:

Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition (Extreme Metal)... - Didrik Soderlind,Michael Moynihan_IV
This one is a bit uneven. The beginning has some very deep and interesting arguments by various key-members of the scene. Towards the end it goes a bit too deep into the norse mythology and ufo-nazis living inside the globe, but manages to stay fascinating nevertheless.
Cuomi's rating:

A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
Finally got this one through. It begins kind of slowly and the sugary pillowtalk especially in the beginning got me a little time to get used to, though almost the same style worked way much better in Papa's Garden Of Eden-novel. Still, overall has much brilliant dialogue as expected and the ending is still very grim and impressive.
Cuomi's rating:

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