Awesome Game Worlds
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Shadow of the Colossus - PlayStation 2
The only remaining signs of life are a few birds, rare little lizards.. and huge colossi. A deserted, silent, vast environment you can lose yourself into. Or just stop to admire the view in awe.

leotak's rating:

Ico - PlayStation 2
True Art. Inspired by De Chirico's works. You can feel the years of the ancient ruins, the loneliness of the castle, the sadness of the shadows.

leotak's rating:

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - PC Games
Huge, totally free-roaming. The design is very original, in the sense that is no usual 'fantasy' setting. You have to walk a lot; a great soundtrack helps you through.

leotak's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2
How to faithfully reproduce Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Nevada desert in a game. Fun included.
Great soundtrack that ranges from 90s hip-hop to country music.
Great soundtrack that ranges from 90s hip-hop to country music.

leotak's rating:

Final Fantasy X - PlayStation 2
Although the game is rather linear, from halfway on you get the freedom to travel around the vast, astonishingly various world and discover secret places, monsters, weapons.

leotak's rating:

Final Fantasy XII - PlayStation 2
The world is really good, probably the best graphics you get on PS2, although not that original (a lot of different "influences" can be spotted here and there). A pity the storyline and characters screw it up.

leotak's rating:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - PC Games
Wonderful SW design. You get to see several different planets you might already have heard of.. and wondered how they would look like.

leotak's rating:

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - PC Games
Dark, sexy, vampire-riddled Los Angeles. Good, although more freedom and a better world interaction would have been great.

leotak's rating:

Psychonauts - PlayStation 2
Wandering around crazy people's minds is indeed an interesting experience.
leotak's rating:

Black & White - PC Games
Since you're a god, the world reflects your behavior: you can have blue skies, green fields and singing birds or perennial storms and fireballs falling on your screaming worshippers..
leotak's rating:

Fable: The Lost Chapters - PC Games
Quite a large and well-designed world. A bit too cartoonesque and simplicistic for my taste.
leotak's rating:

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