Actors I Dislike/Can't Stand
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He's just awful. Not a single one of his movies should have seen the light of day.
Michael's rating:

Horrible actor. I didn't enjoy the Mummy series, of which the latest incarnation is absolutely despicable and should be sent to the deepest depths of Hell where it belongs.
Michael's rating:

Ok, so I haven't seen anything he's done, but just look at his smug, prick of a face. I'm sure he can't act worth a damn either since every movie he's starred in has received inferior scores.
Michael's rating:

Ugh, Rescue Me is a disaster! It's frightening I watched as many episodes as I did. Maybe he's a decent enough actor and he HAS been on NPR, but that doesn't lessen my contempt for him. I DID enjoy his role in Ice Age.
Michael's rating:

Coming to America... RUN FOR THE HILLS! To his credit, however, I enjoyed his role as the donkey in Shrek.
Michael's rating:

Bad! (and not in the good way). However, I enjoyed his performance in "School of Rock", so he is now 2 stars instead of 1. The movie would have been excellent with or without him as lead role.
Michael's rating:

He trapes around and ruins movies. However, he WAS in Pulp Fiction, so...
Michael's rating:

No explanation necessary. Talentless. Have I seen a single movie of hers? No - and I never plan to either.
Michael's rating:

Maybe she was good in Walk the Line, which I've not watched since I don't like Johnny Cash. I draw the line at Legally Blonde.
Michael's rating:

He's in a whole ton of Adam Sandler shit-flicks = instant CRAP-TACULAR Award.
Michael's rating:

I could make another comment about someone's annoying face, but why bother...
Michael's rating:

Can't help it. Damn... just look at his face! Don't you just wanna punch it to a pulp! Ok, so I went a little too far there, but you get the point. Also, his average movie rating looks like about a 5.
Michael's rating:

So he was moderately funny in Anchorman... Whenever I watch him (which is never), it's abundantly clear he THINKS he's just so funny. I see a complete absence of modesty
Michael's rating:

This list is alphabetical since I'm lazy. I was going to make this list based solely on the movies I've seen. However, my impressions of certain people overwhelmed my decency and fairness. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a Rob Schneider or David Spade film, but they just seem like such douches; I couldn't resist. I thought of Denis Leary for his performance in the firefighter sex romp Rescue Me (hold your nose for the fumes coming off that steaming pile). The same can be said for Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. I will NEVER see one of their movies, but they are just so sleazy and classless. I'd rather have bamboo shoots jammed under my fingernails than be exposed to such torture. :P There are obviously others I'm forgetting but I'm currently having trouble thinking up more mediocrity. Needless to say, it's very difficult to order this list.
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