All Video Game Consoles
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Nintendo Entertainment System - Famicom and NES
I also have the model 2 top loader but I couldn't find it on listal.
cory02's rating:

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) - Game Hardware
One of the first game systems I had back in the late 90's. I was probably about 4 when I first played it in 97' I think.
cory02's rating:

Nintendo 64 - Game Hardware
First time I had a Nintendo 64 was December 25, 2003. A month after it was discontinued but still fairly easy to find good games new.
cory02's rating:

Nintendo GameCube - Game Hardware
I originally got this console JUST so I could play Zelda.
cory02's rating:

PlayStation - Game Hardware
my first memories of this console was me playing it every time i would go to my aunts house. I mostly just remember playing Shadow Man, Frogger , Xena, and parappa the rappa on it. Dont remember when, but it was before the ps2 came out.
cory02's rating:

Sega Dreamcast - Game Hardware
I wish I could remember when I had this when I was kid, but it had to of been the early 2000's.I have some good memories of playing Sonic Adventure, Blue Stinger, Crazy Taxi, Grandia II, and Jet Grind Radio
cory02's rating:

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive - Game Hardware
I had the 2nd model version in the late 90's and I only remember having one game for it but probably also the best game for it. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Of course now I have a lot more games for it.
cory02's rating:

Nintendo Game Boy Classic - Game Hardware
I had the Game boy Color as a kid and I honestly prefer it.
cory02's rating:

I'll tell you right now, I was never a current generation person. I've always had consoles when they were already old news or out of date or whatever you want to call it with the exception of Game Boy Color in which I got some time in 2000. Anyway these are the consoles I have currently.
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