What Age Was This Made For?
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Batman & Robin (1997)
It has action that kids may enjoy but it also features the worst sexual innuendo jokes and is the third sequel to Tim Burton's controversial 'Batman' film starring Michael Keaton
filmbuilder's rating:

Battlefield Earth (2000)
No grown-ups or teens could watch something like this! They'd hate the acting, action and dialogue. 10 year old kids may enjoy the action and try to pick up from the hammy acting of this pile of manure but will easily misunderstand the vocabulary (craplousy, ratbastard) and the film getting a 12 certificate for violence didn't help!
filmbuilder's rating:

Dumb and Dumber (1994)
The jokes may be enjoyed by kids up to 12 years of age but it's mainly inappropriate sexual innuendos and unfunny toilet humour!
filmbuilder's rating:

G-Force (2009)
Definitely will I ask myself what age THIS was made for! It will only entertain very, very young children but the concept of guinea pig spies is something more for children aged 8 or 9. Personally I was that age when I saw it and I totally hated it!
filmbuilder's rating:

Scooby-Doo (2002)
It's impossible to tell who they wrote this for! It's too scary for kids, too stupid for teens and completely unbearable for adults!
filmbuilder's rating:

Presumably the target audience is teenage boys but teens will say "What the hell?" and even kids will be bored and say "What the hell?"
filmbuilder's rating:

Super Mario Bros. (1993)
This film has Mario slapped on it, normally Mario is intended for pre-teens and here there's action which could be enjoyed by 10 year olds, if not for the hideous 12 feet tall Goombas and the weird transforming!
filmbuilder's rating:

Films and TV shows where you ask yourself: "What age was it written for?"
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