Adam Sandler + Hottest women on Earth = ?!?@#$%?!
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Victim: Bridgette Wilson
Worldwide Gross: $26,488,734
Note: That's where it all started... Adam's Sandler first starring movie. Honestly, I saw it and thought it was a rather average and moronic comedy. If it had been a flop, we may have missed all those stupid movies... However, it became a success and the blue-print for all the following comedies starring Sandler. Actually, they all could be called "Billy Madison 2", "Billy Madison 3", "Billy Madison 4", ...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Happy Gilmore (1996)

Victim: Julie Bowen
Worldwide Gross: $41,205,099
Note: Honestly, it really looked like "Billy Madison goes golfing" to me... At least, there were a few funny things concerning golf but it was nothing mind-blowing whatsoever. Anyway, it was a big success again for Sandler...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Bulletproof (1996)
Victim: none
Worldwide Gross: $22,611,954
Note: Well, I have finally watched the damned thing and guess what? In this movie, he didn't get any girl at all (he did try to hook up with Monica Potter but since it was only for a short scene and since it didn't get anywhere, it certainly didn't qualify) and the movie was of course a box-office flop. It would be the first and last time that Sandler would try to do something more or less resembling an action flick and, afterwards, he would then keep making some moronic comedies with some improbable gorgeous girlfriends for the rest of his career.
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Wedding Singer (1998)

Victim: Drew Barrymore
Worldwide Gross: $123,306,987
Note: Adam Sandler continues his winning streak with this rom-com which I personnally found really average. And why on earth does it take place during the 80's ?!? Is it supposed to make the movie funnier ?!?
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Waterboy (1998)

Victim: Fairuza Balk
Worldwide Gross: $185,991,646
Note: Can you believe that this movie was, at some point, the highest grossing sports comedy of all time? Sandler keeps doubling the income whereas if you look at the quality of the concerned pictures, you keep asking yourself why is this guy so popular ?!
johanlefourbe's rating:

Big Daddy (1999)

Victim: Joey Lauren Adams
Worldwide Gross: $234,801,895
Note: My wife bought me this just before or after I became a father. It is kind of sweet of her, even though, the movie is just so lame. But I forgive her because she didn't know it was that bad...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Little Nicky (2000)

- Patricia Arquette
- Reese Witherspoon (ok, she is not his love interest or whatsoever, she is his mother! But still...)
Worldwide Gross: $58,292,295
Note: Considering the gross, we can say that this one flopped. Was it the haircut? Did the moviegoers wake up eventually and decided that they won't tolerate this crap anymore ? I saw this one and it was very very average...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Victim: Emily Watson
Worldwide Gross: $24,665,649
Note: I was expecting a lot from this movie. Not because of Sandler but because it was directed by PT Anderson, one of the best directors around nowadays. Honestly, I was kind of disappointed but still it was way better than everything else Adam Sandler did before. It is certainly worth a look and I will certainly give it another shot at some point in the future. The funniest part is that, with this movie, Adam Sandler finally tried something else, something more challenging, more interesting and what was his reward? The movie completely tanked at the box-office...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Winona Ryder
Worldwide Gross: $171,269,535
Note: This time, Sandler decided to remake a classic... I have seen both and even though the original is not one of my favorite, it is still a good movie whereas the remake is completely lame and unnecessary. Come on! How could you switch Gary Cooper with Adam Sandler?!? The best part is that it was a success at the box-office... You gotta to be kidding me...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Marisa Tomei
Worldwide Gross: $195,745,823
Note: A movie with Jack Nicholson is always worth it and that's why I watched it but honestly, it was nothing great... But it didn't stop Sandler's fans and once again, he scored a hit...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Drew Barrymore (again...)
Worldwide Gross: $196,482,882
Note: To be honest, I have to admit that this movie was actually not bad at all. Basically, it was some kind of romantic version of 'Memento' and I actually enjoyed it. And considering the gross, I wasn't the only one. A nice surprise!
johanlefourbe's rating:

- Paz Vega
- Téa Leoni
Worldwide Gross: $55,041,367
Note: Honestly, I didn't really like this flick but I have to admit that Adam Sandler was actually really good in it. And, can you believe it? He was the least obnoxious character. However, even if Sandler gave here a solid performance, he was eventually mercilessly punished by the box-office.
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Longest Yard (2005)

Victim: Courtney Cox
Worldwide Gross: $190,320,568
Note: Once again, Sandler remains in his comfort zone... It was not bad but, honestly, I thought it was rather boring (Courtney Cox looked stunning though). Do you think you can switch Burt Reynolds (in his prime) with Adam Sandler without having us noticing?!? But who cares because it was again a big success and made some big bucks...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Click (2006)

Victim: Kate Beckinsale
Worldwide Gross: $237,681,299
Note: Seriously, the premise was actually pretty good but the execution was just so lame... It is a very forgettable movie but it didn't stop Adam Sandler in his winning streak...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Reign Over Me (2007)

- Saffron Burrows
- Liv Tyler (ok, she was not his love interest or whatsoever, she was his shrink! But still...)
Worldwide Gross: $22,222,308
Note: Like other comic actors (like Robin Williams or Jim Carrey), Adam Sandler had to do a dramatic part and he actually pulled it off. It might be his best movie and he was very good in it. And guess what ? It tanked at the box-office...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Jessica Biel
Worldwide Gross: $186,072,214
Note: What a lame premise and what a lame movie.... I have nothing to add here. And check the gross... I mean loads and loads of people actually paid some expensive theater tickets to see this crap?!? I saw it for free on TV but still felt ripped off...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Emmanuelle Chriqui
Worldwide Gross: $199,936,011
Note: Since this movie was written by Judd Apatow, I thought I should give it a shot. Eventually, on one hand, the whole thing really had some potential but, on the other hand, Sandler's character was completely obnoxious and the jokes were just terrible throughout the whole thing. However, what I think doesn't really matter because it was again a success.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Bedtime Stories (2008)

- Keri Russell
- Teresa Palmer
- Courtney Cox (again...ok, she is not his love interest or whatsoever, she is his sister! But still...)
Worldwide Gross: $212,874,442
Note: Honestly, it wasn't that bad. It is an harmless and innocent familly flick and if you check the gross, it seems that Adam Sandler is now unstoppable...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Funny People (2009)

Victim: Leslie Mann
Worldwide Gross: $71,585,235
Note: Once again, when Sandler tries something interesting/different/whatever, he gets mercilessly punished by the box-office... Such a shame! Even though it was indeed flawed (the running time of 150 mins was certainly misguided), I actually enjoyed the damned thing and, in my opinion, Adam Sandler gave here his best performance.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Salma Hayek
Worldwide Gross: $271,430,189
Note: Even though I heard here and there that it was one of the worst movies made in 2010, I don't think it was so bad actually. I mean, it was nothing great and pretty average but, in my opinion, the whole thing was rather good-hearted and harmless. But it doesn't matter at all what I think because Adam Sandler here was back in his comfort zone and again, he made a chuck load of money...
johanlefourbe's rating:

Just Go with It (2011)

- Nicole Kidman (ok, she is not his love interest or whatsoever but still)
- Jennifer Anniston
- Minka Kelly
- Brooklyn Decker
Worldwide Gross: $214,945,591
Note: The premise was lame, even the title was lame... It was still a success again anyway! To be honest, pretty much like 'Grown Ups', I have to admit that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. The whole thing was still rather weak though but Sandler had done worse and there were a (very few) funny bits.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Jack and Jill (2011)

Victim: Katie Holmes
Worldwide Gross: $149,673,788
Note: Oh my God... This is so far the worst movie ever starring Sandler!!! This time, he went all 'Tootsie' on us and the end-result was just awful. With this movie, Adam Sandler has finally managed to deliver one of the worst movies ever made.
johanlefourbe's rating:

That's My Boy (2012)

- Susan Sarandon
- Eva Amurri Martino
Worldwide Gross: $57,719,093
Note: It seemed to be pretty bad but according to PvtCaboose91, it was actually 'Astonishingly hilarious' but I had my doubts... Anyhow, it seemed that it did turn out to be another flop. What's going on, Adam?!? Well, I have eventually seen the damned thing at some point and, surprisingly, it was not as bad as I expected but it was still pretty lame though.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Victim: Salma Hayek
Worldwide Gross: $246,984,278
Note: I remember when ‘Grown Ups’ was released, even though it was rather successful at the box-office, many considered that it was one of the worst movies released at the time but, to be honest, even though I usually don’t like Sandler’s work at all, I thought it was not one of his worst movies, far from it. Well, this sequel gave me pretty much the same feeling. Indeed, even though the concept had some potential, the whole thing was still rather underwhelming but, at least, it was rather harmless and some of the jokes actually did work. Eventually, the most disappointing thing about this movie was how completely random it felt. Anyway, even though everybody thought it was rather terrible, it is still made a lot of money at the box-office.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Blended (2014)

Victim: Drew Barrymore (again and for the 3rd time already...)
Worldwide Gross: $128,034,610
Note: Sandler was working here with Drew Barrymore for the 3rd time around and while this movie never reached the level of '50 First Dates', at least, they had once again some good chemistry together. Furthermore, I have to admit that the whole thing was rather harmless but, unfortunately, someone thought it would be really fun to send them to some resort in Africa which was just a terrible idea.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Pixels (2015)

- Michelle Monaghan
- Ashley Benson (ok, she was actually the love interest of one of his buddies but still)
Worldwide Gross: $244,874,809
Note: Even though I thought this movie was considered as a flop, it still managed to make $240m worldwide gross so, I guess, it was financially actually fairly successful. Even so, it turned out to be pretty lame, I'm afraid. I mean, to make a comedy about vintage gaming, after above all the success of 'Wreck-It Ralp', was in fact a decent idea but it just didn't work. What went wrong here? First of all, the whole concept of having some hardcore gamers saving the world was just weak and not really funny whatsoever. Seriously, even the game angle was poorly developed.
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

- Julia Jones
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: Well, to be honest, even though I have never cared for Adam Sandler's work, I didn't think it was so awful afterwards. I mean, sure, it was still pretty lame and not really funny at all but the guy had done much worse in the past and I don't think it was such a bad idea to mix his humor with the Western genre. At least, it was more original than most of his flicks and the cast involved was pretty decent. Helll, I even thought that Taylor Lautner was actually funny. However, as usual with Sandler, the whole thing was still rather misguided.
johanlefourbe's rating:

The Do-Over (2016)

- Paula Patton (ok, she was actually the love interest of his buddy but still)
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: At least, this time, his character was married with Kathryn Hahn which marked the very first time that Adam Sandler was playing someone with a believable love interest. And, I have to admit that I actually did like the intro with these two old friends getting back together after all these years. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else happening afterwards was just some total garbage. Above all, I was just amazed by how completely random the story was. Seriously, it seems that Sandler is becoming lazier with each movie.
johanlefourbe's rating:

- Jennifer Hudson
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: Basically, Sandler played his usual moronic cringe-inducing guy, basically, a talentless hack who was never funny whatsoever. However, only half of the movie was about his ‘exploits’ as a manager and the other half was about some really unlikely love story with one of his talents. Unfortunately, this romance was never convincing whatsoever and, eventually, the movie was never about this manager believing in the talents of his but, actually, it was the other way around which was just rather weird. Eventually, it was rather sad to see a lovely girl played by the gorgeous and talented Jennifer Hudson falling in love with this obnoxious man for really no reason whatsoever.
johanlefourbe's rating:

- Jennifer Anniston
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: Even though it didn’t turn out to be one of Sandler’s worst movies, it still turned out to be so lazy and poorly developed. The best example would be how, out of the blue, the main character decided to go on a trip in Europe with his wife. I mean, sure, they didn’t seem to be poor but they definitely didn’t have the financial means to take such a sudden trip. Then, even if Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston have been friends apparently for years, they didn’t really have much chemistry as a couple. Furthermore, it didn’t help that if Sandler was rather believable as a loser police officer (not exactly a huge challenge for him though), Anniston was not convincing at all as a blue-collar hairdresser.
johanlefourbe's rating:

Hubie Halloween (2020)

- Julie Bowen
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: I guess it was bound to happen that Adam Sandler would deliver some Halloween comedy at some point but I have to admit that it was not so bad after all. Indeed, at least, it was a slight improvement on the abysmal ‘Murder Mystery’. However, as usual with Sandler, the damned thing was still pretty weak though. It is difficult to pinpoint what was the biggest issue between the annoying moronic main character (such a cringe-inducing trademark from Sandler) or the completely misguided approach. Concerning Julie Bowen, she was as usual quite charming and I have to admit that it was fun to see her playing again Sandler’s love interest almost 25 years after 'Happy Gilmore' but it was probably the least likely romance I have seen so far in a Sandler flick.
johanlefourbe's rating:

- Jennifer Anniston
Worldwide Gross: none (streaming feature)
Note: Even if it was far from being one of the worst movies I have seen starring Sandler, it was still pretty weak though. At least, it wasn’t worse than the first installment, I’ll give you that. In fact, I have to admit that, this time around, Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston were now actually a convincing couple which wasn’t really the case the first time around. Unfortunately, it was probably the only thing that really worked in this movie.
johanlefourbe's rating:

I have seen many movies with Adam Sandler and honestly, I don't get their appeal.
There are 2 things that really bother me with this guy...
1. His success. Not only Adam Sandler makes useless moronic comedies but they are also f*cking successful! Especially in the US. I even read somewhere on the internet that nowadays in Hollywood, there are only 3 bankable actors : Will Smith, Johnny Depp and..... Adam Sandler! It is that bad....
2. In all his movies, he always has the most interesting/gorgeous women as wife/girlfriend/love interest/whatever... I can understand that an actress dreams to work with Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Edward Norton,... but Adam Sandler! I guess it has to do with his success mentioned in my previous point...
if you don't believe me, check the list...
There are 2 things that really bother me with this guy...
1. His success. Not only Adam Sandler makes useless moronic comedies but they are also f*cking successful! Especially in the US. I even read somewhere on the internet that nowadays in Hollywood, there are only 3 bankable actors : Will Smith, Johnny Depp and..... Adam Sandler! It is that bad....
2. In all his movies, he always has the most interesting/gorgeous women as wife/girlfriend/love interest/whatever... I can understand that an actress dreams to work with Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Edward Norton,... but Adam Sandler! I guess it has to do with his success mentioned in my previous point...
if you don't believe me, check the list...
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