30 Days, 30 Shows
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Freaks and Geeks (1999)
1 - A show that should have never been canceled
The show had brilliant acting, top-notch writing, and should have become a Wonder Years about teenagers growing up in 80s. It's just one example of shows gone-too-soon that's written all over this list.

Jason's rating:

Community (2009)
2 - A show that you wish more people were watching
After getting dropped from NBC's midseason schedule, the tea leaves are not giving me good vibrations on another season. Community is the best show on TV, so that pretty much means it's doomed.

Jason's rating:

New Girl (2011)
3 - Your favorite new show
It's not breaking any new ground, but New Girl has fun with what it is, an opportunity for Zooey Deschanel to be her über-Zooey.

Jason's rating:

How I Met Your Mother (2005)
4 - Your favorite show ever
I've never been as into a program as I am just constantly obsessed with all things HIMYM. It helps that the writers really reward hardcore fans with constant callbacks.

5 - Favorite episode of your favorite t.v. show
Season 1, Episode 13: "Drumroll, Please"
Ted + Victoria = Favorite episode of TV ever

6 - Least favorite episode of your favorite t.v. show
Season 4, Episode 15: "The Stinsons"
I like Barney, but I don't like Barney-centric episodes, in general. Admittedly, I'm kind of surprised I picked this episode since most of seasons 5 & 6 sucked tomatoes.

Jason's rating:

American Idol (2002)
7 - A show you hate
This is just my least-favorite offender. Substitute in any reality show.
Jason's rating:

The West Wing (1999)
8 - A show everyone should watch
You have not experienced great television until you've seen an Aaron Sorkin-scripted show. Plus, it did a really good job of informing folks about the workings of government in an entertaining way (says the wonk).

Jason's rating:

Archer (2009)
9 - Best scene/episode ever
Season 1, Episode 7: "Skytanic"
This episode is start-to-finish fantastic. The final scene with the bomb defusing is a modern day Abbott & Costello routine.

Jason's rating:

10 - A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Seriously? Space cowboys? That's a horrible pitch. But it was so much more. I nearly dropped out of the show, but the episode with Christina Hendricks sucked me in hardcore. This was also my first Joss Whedon show.

Jason's rating:

Glee (2009)
11 - A show that disappointed you
The first season was excellent. After a few episodes of the second season, I realized it had become a train wreck. More Jayma Mays would've helped.

Jason's rating:

American Dad! (2005)
12 - A t.v. show you’ve watched more than 4 times
Roger may be the best TV character in all of recorded history. These episodes get a lot of replay.

Jason's rating:

The Wonder Years (1988)
13 - Favorite childhood show
Kevin Arnold and company were appointment TV when I was younger. Even in syndication, I relished every awkward interaction with Winnie Cooper.

Jason's rating:

14 - Favorite male character
George Oscar "Gob" Bluth, Jr. Will Arnett steals every scene of every show he's ever graced. "I've made a huge mistake." "Come on!" "They're illusions, Michael." He's a nonstop quote machine.

Jason's rating:

Gilmore Girls (2000)
15 - Favorite female character
Lorelai Victoria Gilmore. Lauren Graham inhabited that role. She had the rapid-fire cadence down, full of wisdom and wit. Plus, she dug a good cup of joe.

Jason's rating:

American Horror Story (2011)
16 - Your guilty pleasure show
A guilty pleasure makes you feel guilty because you know it's not good. The narrative structure for this show is nonsensical at best. Characters constantly act in peculiar ways. And yet, the show is compulsively watchable week after week.

Jason's rating:

True Blood (2008)
18 - Favorite title sequence
The show got too weird. The title sequence is exactly the right amount of weird. It sets the whole tone of the series.
Jason's rating:

19 - Best t.v. show cast
The current cast: Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Adam Scott, and Rob Lowe. No one can beat that.

Jason's rating:

The Office (UK) (2001)
20 - Favorite kiss
Dawn and Tim. My favorite will-they-won't-they dynamic on the small screen. Considering the regular run of the series ended on such a (magnificent) low note, the Christmas special still conjures up all those joyous feelings I had the first time I saw it.
Jason's rating:

Pushing Daisies (2007)
21 - Favorite relationship
Chuck and Ned. He brought her back from the dead even though he could never touch her again. They're playful and romantic and longing without ever holding hands.

Jason's rating:

Lost (2004)
22 - Best pilot episode
The episode cost upwards of $14 million dollars, the most expensive pilot ever produced at the time. Money well spent.

Jason's rating:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)
23 - Most annoying character
Dawn Summers. As if it weren't annoying enough to start a season with an unexplained sister in the cast now (okay, maybe it was actually really ballsy and interesting), why did it have to be Dawn?!? And the character never got any better.

Jason's rating:

Friday Night Lights (2006)
24 - Best quote
"Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." It sure beats my high school football coach's favorite phrase, "Faster, Dipshit!"

Jason's rating:

The Wire (2002)
25 - A show you plan on watching
I've only seen the first season, but it was pretty great. I can't ignore all the gushing praise this show has received.

Jason's rating:

Veronica Mars (2004)
26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Season 2, Episode 22: "Not Pictured"
It was a game changer. Everything made more sense, and not just this season but Season 1 as well. But, holy crap, what a surprise it all was.

Jason's rating:

Angel (1999)
27 - Favorite series finale
Season 5, Episode 22: "Not Fade Away"
Sure, the final scene didn't have a sense of finality to it, but that was the point. The episode saw its characters work together--not all making it--to the end, where they were ready to do battle again, perhaps the last time.

Jason's rating:

The Simpsons (1989)
28 - First t.v. show obsession
I remember seeing the very first airing of the Christmas special back in 1989. For years after, I never missed an episode. That was when the show was in its prime.

Jason's rating:

30 - Saddest character death
Season 2, Episode 11: "Getting Closer"
Dr. Bennett Halverson. After a cute flirting scene with Topher, we're ready for there to be some happiness in this dark last season. Then, Dr. Saunders walks in and shoots her in the head. No warning. It was shocking.

Jason's rating:

A list in the "30 days" meme, this time with TV shows.
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