2009 Top Favorite Films/Movies-GypsyDylan
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Fantastic story and just spectacular effects.
4crazyweldermen's rating:

(500) Days of Summer (2009)
The Best romantic comedy in my opinion and it was just superb!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

Gentlemen Broncos (2009)
The weirdest film on here and possibly the funniest!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
I really appreciate everything about this film even though most don't. I love it!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

Inglourious Basterds (2009)
One of the best story lines, humor and killer action!!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

A little more could have been added to the film but other than that, I think this film is excellent!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

A visual spectacle with an amazing story!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

The great summer blockbuster that I love!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

Such an unusual and killer concept for a film. A must see.
4crazyweldermen's rating:

Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Friggin awesome! Well thought out suspense and action.
4crazyweldermen's rating:

Year One (2009)
I'm a huge JAck Black fan and Micheal Cera and Olivia Wilde fan...so yea it was hysterical... truly underrated.
4crazyweldermen's rating:

The Young Victoria (2009)
This would be boring to most, but Emily Blunt does a superb acting performance!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

A Christmas Carol (2009)
Visually awesome and Jim Carrey's vocals are just great!
4crazyweldermen's rating:

The best in '09 in my opinion. Probably my favorite year for movies..maybe.
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