150 Greatest Cinema Villains Of All Time! (My Own)
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51-60 (From here i have omitted the song and kept the original dialogues from the movies)
Peter Pan (1953)
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Thank you for watching! Stay tuned for 150 Greatest Cinema Heroes Of All Time!
Females: 25
Males: 125
From Bollywood: 2
Animated: 10
Most Villains From Series: Star Wars (5), Then James Bond (4), Then Mad Max (3), Then Batman (3), Then SAW (2).
Most Recurring Actor: Jack Nicholson (3) Jack Torrance, The Joker & Col. Nathan R. Jessup
Most Villains From A Movie: The Shawshank Redemption (2), RoboCop (2), Silence Of The Lambs (2).
Character(s) Repeating More Than Once: The Joker & The Queen
Males: 125
From Bollywood: 2
Animated: 10
Most Villains From Series: Star Wars (5), Then James Bond (4), Then Mad Max (3), Then Batman (3), Then SAW (2).
Most Recurring Actor: Jack Nicholson (3) Jack Torrance, The Joker & Col. Nathan R. Jessup
Most Villains From A Movie: The Shawshank Redemption (2), RoboCop (2), Silence Of The Lambs (2).
Character(s) Repeating More Than Once: The Joker & The Queen
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