Crucial information to know about Doreen Virtue regarding radical changes in her spiritual path.
"When the notoriously saccharine and paradoxically-named doyenne of the oracle divination deck known as Doreen Virtue left the ranks of the New Age after an alleged vision of Jesus, I left it alone...
"But, fast forward and now [as of January 2019 writing], [Ms.] Virtue has released a pontificating polemic entitled “An A-Z List of New Age Practices to Avoid, and Why.” Despite my belief that Witchcraft is Witchcraft and not a subgroup of the New Age as some would argue, there are many practices shared between the two groups and Ms. Virtue has come full force in attacking them so I’m going to comment.
"While Ms. Virtue claims she’s not “hating on anyone, or judging anyone,” that’s exactly what she’s doing when she outright attacks the ways and beliefs that people hold dear.
"When Virtue states that “The new age teaches that demons and the devil don’t exist, so that demons can operate undercover without being noticed,” she’s essentially accusing New Agers, Witches, and occultists of knowingly and consciously peddling both...
"Virtue also claims that, if her 'list offends or upsets you, it’s likely because the demons which have been oppressing you are offended and upset...'”
~Christian Day (blog post dated January 24, 2019)
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook review