Erotica - Books Read and Recommend
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Classic Erotica
Doesn't really mater your sexual orientation, it doesn't get more 'classic literature' then Sappho.
jaytoast's rating:

Delta of Venus - Anais Nin
I had read Henry Miller before I read anything by Anais Nin. So, in that regard it was a great break and nice to have a very different voice. However, her stories tend to have roughly the same conclusion. Pleasure then tragedy... which sort of got old after a few hundred pages. Still, there are some images that stick in my mind and stories I liked.
jaytoast's rating:

There are a number of translated editions of Giacomo Casanova's Memoirs. There is even a nifty ilistrated Kindle version. Still, given the chance I think I will try to find at least one copy of from this volume as they are translated by Arthur Machen (the man who it said inspired H.P. Lovecraft). I have loved Machen's other works so could see how he might do well in translating this rather lengthily collection of writings.

The Sleeping Beauty Novels
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty - Anne Rice,A. N. Roquelaure
Yes, these books do fall on the side of "dark erotic" and wouldn't recommend for those tame on the subject. I found the first book to be enjoyable and quite imaginative.
jaytoast's rating:

Beauty's Release (Sleeping Beauty Trilogy) - Anne Rice,A. N. Roquelaure
Yep, got bored with the story by the third novel and never bother to read the conclusion.

Dark Eroticism
Story of the Eye - Georges Bataille
There is something truly warped about Georges Bataille. A book I will never forget reading... in a good way.
jaytoast's rating:

Venus in Furs (Penguin Classics) - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Sadism is the term coined after the Marquis De Sade. Well, this is the other guy... Masochism. I enjoyed the writing style more then that of De Sade's works.
jaytoast's rating:

This was the first 'dark erotic' book that I ever read. There is something about the imagery of the garden that has always stuck with me over the years.
jaytoast's rating:

Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings... - Marquis De Sade
I actually never made it that far into "Justine" it was officially too much for me. I did however read a few of his other writings so the book wasn't a complete waste.
jaytoast's rating:

Recommended by Listal Members
Classical and contemporary erotic literature. Selections include those books that I have read and books recommended by other members of the Listal community.
So, thank you for all your support.
So, thank you for all your support.
Also See:
My Collection of Erotica by El Raulo
La sonrisa vertical by El Raulo
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