Amazing Underrated Obscure Bizarre Films PART 7
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Angst (1983) (1983)
One of Gaspar Noe's (I Stand Alone, Irreversible, Enter the Void) favorite films of all time and a huge influence on him as a filmmaker. Magnificently shot, extremely difficult to watch at times and overall, fanfuckingtastic. True crime whores like myself will especially appreciate it.

House (1977)
James Spader and Inigo Montoya aka Mandy Patinkin get involved in a high stakes poker game and then that's when things get REALLY unpredictable and eerie. Spader puts in the most transformational performances of his career and the atmosphere is uniquely haunting. Another movie that needs a legit American DVD/Blu-Ray release for the love of gawd.

JayTrotter's rating:

JayTrotter's rating:

JayTrotter's rating:

Felidae (1994)
This is Saturday morning cartoon style animation but with the story of a dark n' graphic murder mystery all involving...CATS! From Germany with English subtitles. The Aristocats on meth.

JayTrotter's rating:

One of the greatest artsy fartsy films I've ever seen and featuring the greatest performance by a child, Ana Torrent, that I've definitely ever seen. Just a stunning film in every imaginable way.

JayTrotter's rating:

Paperhouse (1988) (1989)
Following in the footsteps of The Spirit of the Beehive is this, another brilliant entry into the childhood horror sub-genre. Some damn good jump scares and very impressive directing. Guillermo Del Toro definitely DEFINITELY saw this before he made Pan's Labyrinth.

JayTrotter's rating:

The type of film where you just grimace and brace for impact like you're almost in a car crash the whole time and then as the credits roll you quietly let out, "...fuck..." and cancel your dinner plans.

Evilspeak (1981)
It's basically a remake of Carrie but instead of Sissy Spacek, it's Clint Howard.
And instead of high school, it's a military reform school.
And instead of god given telekinetic powers, it's powers bestowed upon Clint by a demonic computer possessed by the soul of Night Court star Richard Moll aka Bull.
Awesome n' hilarious supernatural meets technological vengeance trash.
And instead of high school, it's a military reform school.
And instead of god given telekinetic powers, it's powers bestowed upon Clint by a demonic computer possessed by the soul of Night Court star Richard Moll aka Bull.
Awesome n' hilarious supernatural meets technological vengeance trash.

JayTrotter's rating:

I Am Love (2009)
It gives off that typical pretentious art house flick vibe but there is so much more life, passion, and testicular filmmmaking ambition in this movie that it can't be lumped in with all those other bores. So many spectacular moments in this thing. TILDA SWINTON IS A CELESTIAL BEING.

JayTrotter's rating:

This b-movie horror/comedy joyfully swings for the fences with it's dumbass premise and has some of the most perverted production design I've ever seen.

JayTrotter's rating:

Mother (2009)
Bong Joon-ho shows yet again why he's one of the most talented and exciting directors working on this planet.

JayTrotter's rating:

Mountains of the Moon (1990) (1990)
Bob Rafelson's lifelong dream project comes to fruition as two explorers endure supreme hell for the ultimate goal of finding the source of the Nile River.

Savage Streets (1984)
Linda Blair getting dirty, sweaty, crossbowy, bear trappy revenge on four pieces of human garbage. Basically I Spit on Your Grave in a high school setting.

JayTrotter's rating:

Some Came Running (1958)
Small city melodrama that gets a little dark and provides a bunch of cool, memorable characters. Dean Martin and Shirley MacLaine shine.

JayTrotter's rating:

Out Cold (1989)
Seems like most people hate this but for some reason it made me laugh my ass off for 90 straight minutes. Somethin' bout it. I dunno I'm a moron.

JayTrotter's rating:

Electric Dreams (1984)
Boy falls in love with Girl. Girls likes Boy. Computer gains artificial intelligence and then falls in love with Girl as well. Girl falls in love with Boy. Computer gets pissed. But not murderous pissed. Ya know, that old yarn.

JayTrotter's rating:

Wendy and Lucy (2008)
The first flick where I saw how astonishing Michele Williams could be. Now I feel like a jackass saying that.

Not every flick here is a top to bottom masterpiece (well some are dammit) but I will guarantee you that every flick is filled with an OH SHIT moment or two or strives for something big n' bold n' ballsy or will be branded into your brain until the very day you die. Or just all 3. Enjoy ya rat basta'ds!
Also, some are just amazing some are just underrated some are just obscure and some are just bizarre but most of the time there's a little mix n matching crossover going on but don't expect each flick to meet all four criteria. All I know is all these flicks just need more love.
Still gotta work on descriptions for most of the movies.
*EDIT* I am one lazy son of a dumbass. I shall do them one day. One glorious non-dumbass day.
Also, some are just amazing some are just underrated some are just obscure and some are just bizarre but most of the time there's a little mix n matching crossover going on but don't expect each flick to meet all four criteria. All I know is all these flicks just need more love.
Still gotta work on descriptions for most of the movies.
*EDIT* I am one lazy son of a dumbass. I shall do them one day. One glorious non-dumbass day.
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Published 9 years, 7 months ago

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