This cutie-pie came to us a lil' while ago - she's already been adopted out now, as far as I know. The owners basically dumped her on us. She was pissed off and sad - no cat liked being abandoned.
She got used to our food though. She loved her stay here - except for having to be left alone in evenings. She had a bit of an attitude problem and thus why we were never able to get that stupid collar off her, with the bell. And I'm sorry guyz I couldn't get a shot of her without the bars in the way, but couldn't get her to back up far enough for a decent shot...
She got used to our food though. She loved her stay here - except for having to be left alone in evenings. She had a bit of an attitude problem and thus why we were never able to get that stupid collar off her, with the bell. And I'm sorry guyz I couldn't get a shot of her without the bars in the way, but couldn't get her to back up far enough for a decent shot...

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Favorite Images of Toonheads Rescue Cats #2
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