This one's officially one of ours, just like Sonny and Cher.
Not too long ago we had a 'wild' one come to us, who pulled an Alcratraz on us. Escaped from what seemed like an inescapable locked room.
Rather than try and catch him again we just set out food periodically and Casey comes in an eats it. Sorry for the picture quality but it's difficult trying to sneak up on her and catch a close enough photo.
Now the heading might be confusing - that's because it's recently been speculated by my family that this Casey isn't the same one that pulled the Alcatraz on us. HE'S been spotted outside the yard, still shows up to eat every so often. This one, must have been a stray that came in, and just won't leave. Much too small to be a male, so my mom assumes it's a female.
I don't have one unfortunately of (Boy)Casey. And for now, these are the best I've been able to take of 'our' Casey. Her fur pattern is similar to Yo's pattern...
Not too long ago we had a 'wild' one come to us, who pulled an Alcratraz on us. Escaped from what seemed like an inescapable locked room.
Rather than try and catch him again we just set out food periodically and Casey comes in an eats it. Sorry for the picture quality but it's difficult trying to sneak up on her and catch a close enough photo.
Now the heading might be confusing - that's because it's recently been speculated by my family that this Casey isn't the same one that pulled the Alcatraz on us. HE'S been spotted outside the yard, still shows up to eat every so often. This one, must have been a stray that came in, and just won't leave. Much too small to be a male, so my mom assumes it's a female.
I don't have one unfortunately of (Boy)Casey. And for now, these are the best I've been able to take of 'our' Casey. Her fur pattern is similar to Yo's pattern...

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