Since I have always been interested by Michael Winterbottom’s work, I was really eager to check this flick and it took me a while to finally see the damned thing. Eventually, I found it rather difficult to judge this flick. Indeed, on paper, as pointed out by Roger Ebert, it was a very intriguing experiment but, eventually, the end-result was not really impressive. Basically, it is a trademark in Winterbottom’s work. Indeed, the guy is pretty much a workaholic, making more then 20 movies in a 20 years long career, and even though he always manages to find an interesting concept, an interesting idea, most of his projects turn out to be rather half-baked and this one is a perfect example. For example, with a running time of barely 70 minutes, was it really wise to spend so much time with some random concert footage? Same thing with the Antarctica stuff, it didn’t add anything to the whole thing. All these scenes seemed to be used as merely to fill the blanks between the sex scenes. And then the sex… To be honest, if you watch this flick and you turn out to be shocked or revolted, then, you should think about it twice before watching the damned thing. I think those scenes did work pretty well but it’s too bad that everything else in the movie was rather underwhelming. To conclude, in spite of its flaws, I think it was an interesting experiment but it is definitely an acquired taste and you should be well aware of its content before watching it.