Initial Thought: This is a painful series to get through. It has it's moments that shine out, but mostly these are just not all that good. Anyways once I start something I must finish it. So I shall continue with part six.
Characters/Acting: There are a few pretty recognizable faces/names. The biggest name here though would have to be Dick Miller. Everyone else is pretty small time compared to him. Rusty was definitely my favorite character. In fact I think everyone did a decent enough job here.
Story: Well this time around there is a possessed clock. I don't know if that sounds better or worse than a lamp. Also again this object is taken from the Amityville house that made this series so popular to begin with. I liked the music during the beginning credits. The concept here is way more interesting than what we got with the possessed lamp story. Here time and reality are altered. It's actually pretty creative with the stuff that happens. The ending was pretty great.
Directing/Writing: Tony Randel directed the second Hellraiser and wrote part three. He is pretty enjoyable so I expected that to transfer to this pretty tired series. John G. Jones wrote the story this is based on. His only other contribution in the series was with the television made entry in the series. His stories never involve the house being possessed rather items in the houses. Christopher DeFaria and Antonio Toro only wrote this and the next entry. Only DeFaria has other work and it's as an actor. Anyways these guys actually brought a fun and different story to the series that worked. Tony Randel has yet to do me wrong.
Final Thought: I'm not going to lie I thought this would be pretty bad. I was wrong. I might be a minority in thinking that this is by far the most entertaining of this series so far. It is pretty creative and different. The characters and acting make you care what is going on. There are nice little twists and turns. It has a nice creep factor to the whole thing. I was pleasantly surprised with how this turned out.