Initial Thought: I like these kinds of science fiction movies. It looks crazy and full of twists and turns. In addition foreign films seem to allow for a more intense story than American cinema.
Characters/Acting: While Bren Foster isn't a particularly good actor he does have some pretty good action movie capabilities. This will be my first look at the third Hemsworth whom at the moment is only really well known in Australia. The acting here is really good in my opinion. The characters are alright as well with only Carmichael, Huntington, and Menzies as the most interesting. There is a very brief subplot with Morgan and Claire that was a bit eh to be honest.
Story: Other than what the plot is I'm not entirely sure what exactly will happen. I do know that the reason this takes place though is that the dangerous jobs are where any decent money is at. So I gather that there is a hell of a lot of time travel mumbo jumbo here. It takes a long while before anything interesting happens, but when it does it definitely catches your attention. It has a few elements that keep making me think of Pandorum. I have a feeling the twist is obvious to me half way through. If I'm wrong then I will be quite happy that this wasn't so predictable. Well I was wrong I think. I don't really fully understand what happened at the end, but I think I get a little bit of it.
Directing/Writing: The writer/director here has only done one other movie called Gabriel. I think I have heard of it, but I know I've never seen it. If this is good I might think of watching that too. Brian Cachia has only worked on this so let's see what he does for first impressions. I think they did an alright job here, but this was far from perfect. It is very flawed and left me with a lot of questions.
Final Thought: It was decent to a certain extent. There are really good scenes here and there. The acting was pretty well for this kind of movie. It was just quite a bit too confusing. I had so many questions at the end. I think I understood, but then I question my thoughts too. It's also way too long and for the first half of the movie it's pretty slow without even really letting us get to know our characters. I think the whole massacre stuff that happened before they got there could have been a much more interesting story. I think this would have to warrant some re-watches if it was more entertaining. As it stands I will just skip on that and just stay in wonder. Okay never mind I guess I was over-thinking things. My thoughts were correct about the end. I had to go ahead and read what others said about the ending. I'm still not sure I liked it all too much though. I think it's a hit or miss.