This is a sweet, romantic film about Don Juan - the greatest lover of all time. Just that idea of Johnny Depp as Don Juan is perfect in my mind, so I had no doubt that he would again deliver an outstanding performance.
As I have said, this follows the story of Don Juan DeMarco, known for his talent of seducing women. Marlon Brando's character in this is a psychiatrist, who has Don Juan as his patient. The story centres around their sessions together and we learn what the psychiatrist learns about Don Juan's past life. The title character in himself is an excellent idea for a movie like this, and I thought it was great to have a lot of the story told through the words and visions of Don Juan.
Marlon Brando isn't exactly a favourite actor of mine, so for me that was one of it's downsides. Faye Dunaway was pretty average, although she had a small role in this. Overall it is definitely an enjoyable and seductive movie I for one definitely found worth watching. I'd recommend this if you are a Johnny Depp fan, or if you are in the mood for a unique love story.