"Wiping out the human race? That's a great idea. That's great. But more of a long-term thing. I mean, first we have to focus on more immediate goals."
Brad Pitt's character, Jeffrey Goines, I sure won't forget. He's insane, delusional and psycho.. exactly what he is meant to be. This flick is not your average Bruce Willis movie, nor is it something that Terry Gilliam always comes up with. The movie itself is really strange, it's 'different' to any other movie I've seen. It's even complicated at times, this mystery/sci-fi/action film was interesting to watch.
Like I said, I've never really seen a film with a plot like this before. It's hard to explain everything that goes on in this film, but it's really about time. The past, the present, and the future. In this flick Bruce Willis's character, James Cole, explores all of these. Everything seems to link to a deadly virus that will be responsible for the deaths of most of the world's population, and James Cole must travel in time to find a cure and save the humans from extinction. Sounds a bit dull, and I admit there were some parts in this that didn't have my full attention. Most of the time though, I was wrapped in the ideas this film produces and the possibilities it shows. You can tell it's dated from the quality.. and what about the music? That really annoyed me.
So once again, the invincible Brice Willis played his part to perfection. He was a strange character for him to play, to me it seemed like he couldn't say more than one sentence at once. Sometimes James Cole seemed a bit dull, but for the most of the movie he was definitely an interesting character. Brad Pitt was incredible. This flick shows what an amazing actor he is, and how he was the perfect weird, crazy character. Madeleine Stowe was pretty mediocre, while the other actors were average.
Again, the best word I can find for this is 'interesting'. It is unusual, and some people won't like it as much as others. I though it was well above average, but these sci-fi movies aren't usually ones I enjoy. If you haven't already, see this for yourself.