Basically, it was one of those French movies that almost no one else saw on Listal. I’m not sure if Raymond Depardon is well known abroad but he is quite famous in France, especially for his acclaimed documentaries. Apparently, this movie was the third part of his 'farmer trilogy’ (following ‘L’approche’ et ‘Le quotidien’) but I have to admit that it didn’t see these other movies. Anyway, it seemed to be some interesting material so I was quite eager to check it out. Eventually, I wasn’t disappointed as it turned out to be pretty neat. Indeed, I was actually born in a very small village in France so the whole thing definitely brought back some memories. I also enjoyed Depardon’s sober directing which allowed these ‘characters’ to breath and it gave us a glimpse on their lifestyle. Eventually, nothing much really happens but it was, in this case, completely appropriate. A part from that, I have to admit it, there was no great revelations and shocking news but I thought it was pretty good nonetheless. To conclude, even though it was nothing really groundbreaking, I thought it was a decent documentary and I think it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre or if you are interested by this subject.