Expectations were neither high nor low for this sequel so I was just expecting pretty much the same as the first film but this film was much worse than its predecessor. There are many reasons for this: the plot was an absolute mess! There were so many holes where you are watching it and it stops and skips to something else so to speak, most of the characters were annoying (especially those Transformer twins who have reached down to Jar-Jar Binks and Mater's level of annoyance), there were many scenes in this film that were totally pointless and unnecessary and there are other reasons too but I'll be here forever otherwise.
Actually, the main weakness that this one had is that the action scenes were shockingly bad! I mean, *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* every second! No, that isn't called action! That's just called random explosions! Bay, action is where the audience feel exhilaratingly excited about what is going on where they jump out their skin and they feel there with the characters. The desert action scene was just so boring! It must have lasted at least 40 minutes long and no action scene is entertaining when it is that long. Also, *SPOILER ALERT* the title says Revenge Of The Fallen, right? What revenge exactly? Was expecting that the Fallen would win this one that would lead up to an epic final conclusion but obviously not and I can't see the third film being any better. In fact, can't see that one being any worse than this one.
A youth chooses manhood. The week Sam Witwicky starts college, the Decepticons make trouble in Shanghai. A presidential envoy believes it's because the Autobots are around; he wants them gone. He's wrong: the Decepticons need access to Sam's mind to see some glyphs imprinted there that will lead them to a fragile object that, when inserted in an alien machine hidden in Egypt for centuries, will give them the power to blow out the sun. Sam, his girlfriend Mikaela, and Sam's parents are in danger. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee are Sam's principal protectors. If one of them goes down, what becomes of Sam?
Shia LaBeouf, you really haven't got acting talent in you at all! Sam Witwicky is no hero, he is just a useless muppet who always gets lucky whatever situation he is in. His return in the third and final film in the trilogy won't be an exciting one but it might just might make it a bit easier for him without Megan Fox alongside him. Megan, you seriously need to go back to acting school (or to start it). For all I know, Megan Fox could have given Michael Bay oral sex for him to cast her in the films so I am curious about what was so good about Megan Fox starring in the Transformers films. And worst of all, later in the year Jennifer's Body showed her true colours. The third one doesn't have Megan Fox in so that has made it a little easier.
Michael Bay, you are simply a failure! I mean, how can he still carry on and release this when there are so many empty points and segments that are just abandoned that change onto something else?! No professional director does that! You are just a money-grubbing and hopeless guy and you simply do not have professional directing in feature films in you in any way whatsoever! Bay totally deserved the Razzie win for Worst Director as the rest of the awards the film won including Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay. Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen is his most successful film regarding box-office but critically and in terms of awards, it is his biggest disaster! My oh my! The script was slowly killing me! I mean, as I have said a few times that the plot had like abandoned, empty holes but there were moments where I just held my head in shame and was like 'What a fucking awful line that was' and 'whoever wrote this must be like a fan who is really about 5-years-old'.
Overall, Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen is for me in terms of cinema the definition of the meaning 'fucked-up' because that is exactly what it is! I would call this incredibly disappointing because I did enjoy the first film despite it wasn't brilliant but wasn't to be and the fact this one ended the same way as the first one did?! What the FUCK?! Without a doubt one of the worst films that I think I have ever watched and even the effects didn't save the film because it was just so damn awful! The third and final film in the trilogy: Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon doesn't exactly seem any better than this one so I guess we'll have to see but I must say, can it be any worse than this one?