To say that Kill Bill 2 is as enjoyable as Kill Bill 1 is an understatement, even though i'm not a fan of Quentin Tarantino movies, i had a blast watching the first kill bill, the whole revenge theme was very appealing, the stylist violence, the score, everything about that movie was extremely well executed, so i was really excited to watch the 2nd volume, given the fact that it had the same critical acclaim as the first one, and i was hugely disappointed by this movie.
It's an action movie, with 5 maybe 6 action scenes, a 137 minutes movie with 5 to 6 actual action scenes, a 2 hours and 16 minutes movie that was labeled "action" but with only 5 to 6 action scenes, yeah...let's that sink in, although the movie did have it's style, same as the first one, and did have the characters, but it's still actionless, instead, there was more dialog than the first one, and given that Quentin Tarantino was the writer, the dialog should be interesting, same as pulp fiction or other Tarantino movies, but we couldn't be more wrong, the scenes were extremely boring.
Tarantino stretched some scenes way too long, making the movie unbearable, and not only that, but the whole movie is slow, they even talked slow, you sit there looking at their mouths just waiting the words to pop up so the scene can ends, and that's killed it for me, because i did enjoy the action in this movie, like i said before, the movie still have Tarantino touch of stylist violence, but with each boring 30 minute you get to see a 5 minute action scene.
The story here is better, because you get to see what actually happened in the first Kill Bill and why did Bill killed her, so any unexplained events that happened in the first kill bill, is explained here, but that's along with great performance by Uma Thurman and few good action scenes are the only good qualities of this movie, because there wasn't any bad-ass characters here, most fights are one on one, no good weapons and too much Uma Thurman feet (Tarantino foot fetish kicks in) and too much Uma Thurman suffering scenes and many cliche and boring characters, for example, 'The Master' (Bald Guy) character was the most generic cliche Kong fu master ever, even David Carradine (bill) was terrible, and the scene were he starts narrating about super heroes, Batman, Spiderman and Superman, was shockingly slow, stupid and out of place.
Overall, it was a boring, very long, actionless, overrated, slow movie, with too many boring, unnecessary dialog scenes, and much less bad-ass characters, and shared one thing only with the first kill bill which is the style, but that's not enough to make it a decent movie.