This is one emotional album for a Christian. To me it was very inspirational. Picture the most brutal youth retreat trip EVER! That's what it felt like. In 12 tracks you'll end up being tired from head banging your ears off and having them DIEING for a vacation. So many Breakdowns. Definitely their heaviest album.
This album is more in your face brutal than their other 2 albums "Ekklesia"
and "Portraits", lyrically.
"Hell fear me, I am the One that will BRING YOU DOWN/and when you fall, fear me, you'll see my face on the battleground."-Devastator
Based on the poem BREAKER by Jose Palos, there are 4 tracks of poetry scattered throughout the album. Something I have never heard before. Making this unique in the hardcore scenes around. Mattie's vocals are harsh yet again, but with some high and low over-dubbing similar to The black Dahlia Murder.
The Guitar riffs aren't as melodic as their previous release, however the breakdowns are CRUSHING and the guitar's are reminiscent of some of August Burns Red's technicality.
Standout tracks: "Seraphim" and "The Advocate"