A movie I thought that looked pretty dumb, and too much like a chick flick, even though I love Ellen Page, I probably wasn't going to see this movie, until I read some reviews. Plus my friend said it was actually funny and good. So I decided to give it a try and what I watched wasn't bad at all it was actually pretty good. Theres some really great comedy, especially Jimmy Fallon, who was hysterical. The roller derby games will keep you on the edge of your seat, and the acting which I always hope to be good was actually good. Now I know what you're thinking, I am going to rave about Ellen Page, right. Well you're right, not a strong performance by her, but still good, the one that surprised me was Daniel Stern who would have thought that someone who is funny can be a good serious actor, which rarely happens. A good movie,a good directing debut by Drew Barrymore, watch it, I mean Whip It.