It's kinda hard to review this movie because it's a remake, but i'm going to review it as a separate movie first, and then as a remake to illustrate the differences.
If you haven't watched the original, then this is an OK movie, not good enough and not bad at all, the story was unusual and great, Josh Brolin was spectacular and that is the good side about this movie.
The bad side was the terrible performance by Sharlto Copley,
another terrible performance by Samuel L. Jackson and the fact that the movie looks rushed with no attention to details, for instance, Joe Doucett was imprisoned in a room for a 20 years, so you'd think there is an effect on him outside, like the fact that he shouldn't be able to know that he's holding a phone, and it shouldn't be that easy to learn how to use a computer, and it should be awkward for him to approach people and talk to them because he haven't done that in 20 years.
Something i noticed about Spike Lee, that he's not that talented as a director, i mean I've seen 25th Hour and that movie made me hate Edward Norton, anyway, Spike Lee don't have the ability to show you something without actually showing it to you, Also he relied on visual effects to show you flashbacks which was terrible idea, because you don't feel them at all, you don't feel sad, you don't feel awkward, i mean visual effects have their own purposes, don't force them in like this.
So overall an OK "American" movie with interesting story.
Now, if you have seen the original, then you'd think that this remake is an insult, and to be truly honest, it is.
Oldeuboi is light years better than this, that movie had depth, and mystery and so much elements missing from this,
Min-sik Choi (the guy who played the leading role) got fat and became shredded during the movie, he even got old and you can feel him getting old on every shot of him during the movie, and there was so much details in Oldeuboi, that you actually have to watch it twice, to fully appreciate them,
and the villain was dark,smart and good looking, the movie end left me astounded, asking myself what happened, it's like watching Shutter island by martin scorsese, the end leaves you with two assumptions, assumption one and two, you can choose one and go on with your day.
Instead, Spike Lee played it plain and simple, he also altered the twist, but that didn't bother me that much.
Overall, don't waste your time on this and go watch the original, BUT if you want to feel the differences then go ahead, it's your time.