i think it would be hard to go terribly wrong with a movie about rembrandt. seriously, its a wonder that there are not others.
everything about this movie is an old movie. its everything you'd expect from a black and white era classic. charles laughlin plays the role very well. everything is drama and light is abundant. everything plays out slowly like a theater play, well enunciated and passionately portrayed. its just gold all around.
no it will not live up to today's quick edit, blaring color, the pomp of sound orchestration, or any of that. its an old old movie and yet a 100% enjoyable watch.
the story follows rembrandt's life moreso than his paintings or watching his skill acted out. its just a story about a pheasant man who became famous for his amazing painting skills, then lost a wife, flopped on a painted portrait commission, and was buried into obscurity. he becomes something akin to a beggar, and instead of the heartwarming tale we expect from hollywood and disney...instead we see him besieged with more tragedy and loss.
no its not a happy story, just a good one.