sorry for the duplicate review, but it applies to both Ages of Wonders, so I'll just copy & paste it from my other AoW review.
A lot of people are turned off by turn-based games (sorry for the pun), especially if they grew up with adrenaline-pumping real-time strategy games such as c&c, starcraft, warcraft, etc. Well, i'm old school, grew up in the 386 era of gaming, and back then, one particular game was awesome and addictive as hell - WARLORDS! Countless hours was wasted on that game, and when computers evolved, the original Warlords quickly became dated and stale. And when the RTS revolution came around, the Warlords franchise tried to adapt, but failed horribly.
Several years later, in come Age of Wonders - a turn-based strategy. I guess people hated it coz many didn't even know what existed before RTS genre, but myself, I fell in love with the series, bringing in awesome graphics, turn-based strategy, even during zoom-up battles. Yeah, you lose the intensity of RTS, but turn-based games give you more time to thing and strategize, as well as gives me a tingle of nostalgia.