I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but my wife and I both have a weak spot for romantic-comedies so I thought we should check it out. Honestly, I don’t really get all the hatred about this flick. Is it because Sarah Jessica Parker is not much loved anymore? I mean, indeed, she basically played once again some other form of Carrie Bradshaw and it seems she will be stuck playing this character forever. I have to admit it as well, the plot was quite pedestrian but, come on, it is something inherent to the genre and I was actually able to relate with what the characters were going through. The main thing that bothered me was why both parents had such a demanding job. I mean, one of them, why not? My mother was working all the time and I was raised by my father who went back to work when my little brother was about 12 years old. But both parents? Furthermore, if you have a job like hers, it is obvious from the start that you won’t spend much time with your family, it goes with the territory. I don’t know, maybe I’m generous with this movie because I was expecting something really terrible but I don’t think it was bad at all and I think it is actually worth a look, especially if you like the genre.