The Book and Movie Comparison
The book was well written and I could actually feel for the characters, as far as the movie goes, it only had bad actors and a script that didn’t flow smoothly long.
The book was like a gold diamond in the sea of filth, I helped me see the world in a different light, I’m now am a better person because of it.
The movie was a stinking time bomb that needed to be run back to the Director who conjured it, before it infected the minds of the innocent.
But it’s too late now... I already saw it.
The lead actor who tried to portray Ponyboy, could not act to save his life, the music was so horribly abominable that my ears and heart threatened to give out on me. There were numerous other wrongs that should have been righted, but let’s no dwell on the negative.
The only thing the movie did do well, was stick to the story line, that’s it.
I will recommend the book for everyone to read, it will grab your imagination, send you soaring through the sky, and fill your heart with fluffy white stuff.
I will also recommend the movie for everyone to watch, everyone that’s blind, deaf and stupid enough to get suckered in to watching it. It will kick you in your gut, pour poison in your cup, make you drink it and fill your heart with the dread of someone who is about to die, because they watched the Outsiders.
The overall message the Director was trying to get across was that, bad movies can and will be made, and you have no say so about it. So bear with it, or fight it! Either way you lose.
The author’s message was that it isn’t always smart to go with the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, that family matters, and there is still good in the world, even though it may take awhile to find.
Both Book and Movie had major impacts on my life.
The book was original, it made me stop and think, it played upon my emotions, I laughed, I cried, I was angry, I was happy.
The movie was a rip off, it made me stop and think ‘what am I doing watching this?’, it hurt my emotions, I laughed at the stupidity of the characters and their trivial problems, I cried because the scenes didn’t flow and the none of the actors had big muscles, I was angry because once again I was tricked into watching another dumb movie, I was happy when it was over.
Yes my life is forever change because of the movie and book, it is like being choked by a fat man and able to breathe the sweetest air at the same time.