I was lucky enough to see an early viewing of the latest DC animated DVD film line up and I have to say it was a lot of fun! Now the comic which this is based off is on my to read list so this will just be me comparing it not to the original source material but as a stand alone film. Of course as a 90's child I grew up watching the animated series of Batman Superman and of course The Justice League. So needless to say I'm somewhat familiar with the personalities of these characters. However, putting my childhood nostalgia aside does Flashpoint work?
Well friends my answer is yes; yes it does work and is a very exciting ride. There are a few problems that I noticed and would like to address but to me they were very minor. I've seen most of the DC animated films direct to DVD by Warner Brothers but I can say this is much darker if not the darkest film I've seen from there line-up. Well maybe dark isn't the right word my like the most profanity and blood/gore I've seen from the line-up. Now for me I liked this aspect for this particular film because it really gave me a feeling of how different this altered timeline truly is. Just how hopeless and bleak they make it really hits home. Also, I never thought I would hear Hal Jordan say a**hole in a film like this! Bonus, points for the creators working it in. Now do I necessarily want every DC animated movie to be graphic, dark, and at times hard to watch and mean spirited? No of course not each adaptation requires their own tone and flow to draw the viewer in and here I think it works to the films advantage.
But, how does the story and characters hold up? Well lets look we dive right into the back story of young Barry Allen. In fact the way they start this film you almost expect this to be a cheesy melodramatic ride however, the tone soon changes as Barry returns home to find his mother dead (on her BIRTHDAY no less!!!!!!)! Fast forward (Or Flash Forward) to adult Barry Allen aka The Flash. Now here is where some viewers might be rather confused The Flash goes off to fight several villains of his and beside from dropping a few names unless you are a comic book reader or watch the Justice League show you might not know who any of these guys are. Although later in the film The Flash does explain who Professor Zoom aka Reverse Flash is and where he comes from.
But, the plot really gets interesting when Barry Allen wakes up at his office desk and discovers something well.... different. His Mother is alive!!!!! But, this world he finds himself in has never heard of The Flash he doesn't even have his superpowers! It turns out that Barry Allen decided to run so fast that it broke the time barrier itself in order for him to go back in time and stop the faceless criminal from killing his mother (as a note I like it when they keep the killer of super hero's parents faceless because that plays to the whole idea that anyone could be a criminal as crime has no true face so major props to the film for keeping the killer's true identity a secret). As a direct result for changing and breaking the time barrier the time stream not only brought Barry Allen up to speed in this new timeline but also has left him with memories from both the original timeline and this current one; including all the years he would have spent with his mother and did in this altered timeline.
However, because he broke the time barrier it caused a ripple which altered major events and people across the world. For instance Aquaman and Wonder Woman waged war and took parts of Europe for their own empires and are locked in a bloody world war of Atlanteans and the Amazons which threaten to consume the rest of humanity in the crossfire! Cyborg now works for the government and is practically ten feet tall (Yeah! Go Cyborg). Also, major super heroes were never realized Superman never was found by the Kents and Hal Jordan was never at the crash site to obtain the ring to become The Green Lantern. And Batman......... well I'll let you find out about that one.
All in all this film has minimal problems in my books the most glaring one to me is side characters who I recognize and I know from the different mediums in the comics or show getting shoved aside too soon. For example I wish they showed more Slade/Deathstroke more in this film I mean him and Lex Luthor fighting side by side was a really cool and fun scene I wish it could have given me more. But, they give the major prominent players of The Justice League excellent screen time so like I said before it is only minimal too me.
Beside that as my biggest problem. This film has great voice acting, fun well paced action scenes, a great solid story (I'm just a sucker for altered timeline tales), and the animation is top notch some of the best I've seen out of the DC animated line up! It is colorful, flowing, and just a treat to look at. So despite minimal problems it certainly does not slow Flashpoint down in the slightest this is some grade A material people. And after what I just saw I've already put in a Pre-Order for this DVD on Amazon because I want to see more DC animated DVD films! Keep up the great work Warner Brothers and thank you reviewers for taking the time to read my review. This is the SwornShadow I may stick to the shadows but I bring films into the light!