Before this movie was released, there was a pretty good buzz about it. Indeed, following his surprise success with 'Zombieland' (a fun but rather overrated flick in my book), Ruben Fleischer was coming with this sophomore directing effort, another comedy starring once again Jesse Eisenberg and the whole thing sounded pretty promising on paper. Eventually, it was a critical and financial flop and after watching the damned thing, I can't say I was really surprised. Indeed, even though the whole thing had indeed some potential, it was rather dumb and actually even pretty lame. I mean, the cast was pretty good (Jesse Eisenberg, Danny McBride, Aziz Ansari, Nick Swardson, Michael Peรฑa, Fred Ward) but none of the characters was really interesting and most of their actions barely made sense. Basically, it is one hell of a stupid flick and the makers hoped that since it was stupid, it would be funny to watch but it wasn't the case, it was more cringe inducing than anything else. There were some interesting ideas and it was sometimes almost funny and I still believe that the concept was pretty cool but the whole thing was just really poorly written. To conclude, it was definitely a step down for Fleischer, but somehow, I still think it is worth a look though but don't expect anything amazing whatsoever.