Let's face it: no one was expecting Hostel 2 to be a GOOD movie. What some of us DID expect was a fun, grossly inventive gore-fest a la Saw 3, where the acting is hilarious bad but the characters you hate are redeemed when they are offed in ridiculously silly/scary ways.
However, Hostel 2 couldn't even live up to those low expectations. There's no "fun" for the first 2/3 of the movie (except for a stupid quick prologue wrapping up a loose end from the first movie) and during that 2/3, the ONLY enjoyable thing is laughing at the bad dialogue and acting, which I hope was intentional. Dawn Matarazzo is HILARIOUS in how crappy her lines and deliveries are, and the sidekick friend is not much better. But, there's little blood and gore to be found, and what Eli Roth thinks are "plot movement" and "character development" are nothing more than a big waste of time.
That is, until the movie's climax, when... the deaths are ultimately disappointing and the plot developments are nonsensical. Really, all around, this movie was just a giant waste of time, and fun for laughing at (not with) and nothing else.