"Remember, don't trust the one who saves you."
And so, even after the death of John Kramer aka Jigsaw, immoral people have met their bloody demise and/or experienced grisly torture. The reason? Detective Hoffman, the first of Jigsaw's apprentices (the other being the deceased Amanda Young) has taken over the reins of his mentor and has continued playing cruel and sadistic games meant to teach people a very important lesson: never take advantage of the life you lead. He isn't the only one playing a game, however; John's ex-wife, Jill, has been given a box containing six envelopes which contain information about six people who will be the unwilling participants of the next game. They include a high ranking official of the insurance company who refused to give John funding to see a doctor in Norway who could possibly extend his life, a nosy reporter bent on writing a scandalous expose about John by trying to get an interview with Jill, and a mother and son who were connected to the insurance company.
More bloody than the last five, but, if you won't cheat and take a peek at the ending, there is a huge twist at the end that would make you go "WTFH?!" :)))))) After the big twist was revealed, I fully appreciated the genius of Jigsaw as well as the screenwriters with the way they carefully thought of every scene and event so that they intertwined with each other. Those who describe the Saw series as meaningless and not thought of are deluded; they cannot accept the fact that something that shows people being tortured actually has a reason behind it: teaching people a lesson on how to live their lives properly.
One quote which I will never, ever forget that I took from watching the six Saw movies: "Some people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore." That sums up the philosophy behind the series: valuing your life and not throwing it away.
If you were faced with certain death, how much blood would you shed to stay alive?