When I think of the term 'plothole', I immediately think of this movie. This by far has got to be the most asinine script ever turned into a multi-million dollar budget blockbuster.
I mean, honestly. It's set hundreds upon hundreds of years into future (evolution of humans into 'gill-men' would theoretically take a few millenia, but let's assume 200 years at the very least, in hypothetical terms. ok, then factor in what sea water does to metal. ok, now, can someone explain to my why motorized boats are in perfect working order? and just where the HELL are they getting cigarettes from? and anyone ever own a jetski? those things won't last 2 years, let along 200+.
so basically cigarettes are in unlimited supply from 'somewhere', the bad guys have a tanker with a near infinite supply of gas for their boats that seem to last forever, and its so far into future that people don't even know 'plants' exist, some humans evolved into fish-men, and 'dry land' is just a myth that few even believe in. and when they finally reach the last bit of dry land on earth, its filled with lush forests and wild horses. I guess when all ice caps melted, no human thought 'hey, why not head for the highest ground?', and instead, stocked up on gasoline and cigarettes so they can raid 'ocean outposts' for the next hundreds of years.
there's no way to sugar coat it. this movie sucks and if you're smarter than a 5th grader, you're brain will hurt from the plotholes.