Precious is a film that I was really looking forward to due to the reception it received like all the awards and positive reviews it got. Also, the story might've been psychologically disturbing but it certainly was a very powerful film so that expressed my interest a bit more as well. When I watched it at the cinema, it was something that I needed to stick to even though it was quite hard to watch in some moments of the film. Precious is a film about abuse and misery but on the bright side of things, it is a story on love and friendship. It is a very personal film that does adapt together into some things that happen in real life to some young teenagers who have abusive parents or a victim of incest.
Gabourney Sibide's performance as Clareece Precious Jones was absolutely brilliant!! Sibide totally deserved her Oscar nomination but a win for it, however, I don't think she was quite good enough for me to say that she deserves the Best Leading Actress Oscar 2009. Precious is an obese, illiterate, 16-year-old teenager who lives in Harlem with her mother Mary. She has been impregnated twice by her father, Carl. She suffers long term physical, mental and sexual abuse from her mother. While Precious is suffering at home, she goes into an alternative school, she meets friends and they comfort her and help her make the right decision with what to do in her life. Mo'Nique's performance as Mary was mind-blowing. I will be damned if she doesn't win the Oscar this year when she gives a performance that, in my mind, totally deserves it! Mary is abusive towards her daughter and treats her as a slave and like she is absolutely nothing. Mary has a lot of anger and jealousy towards Precious because of the sexual relationship between Precious and her boyfriend Carl (also Preciousโs father). She hates that he would rather have sex with their daughter than her. All she does with her life is sleep, eat and watch TV. She is the mother that nobody would want to live with and be raised by.
Lee Daniels directed this film to send a powerful and important message to the people of the world. Precious was filmed in various areas of New York City, mostly in Harlem. Precious had, in total, 12 producers: Lee Daniels, Oprha Winfrey, Tom Heller, Tyler Perry, Lisa Cortes, Gary Magness, Valerie Hoffman, Asger Hussain, Mark G. Magges, Berrgen Swanson, Simone Sheffield and Sarah Siegel-Magness. Precious has been nominated for 6 Academy Awards: Best Picture 2010, Best Leading Actress (Sibide), Best Supporting Actress (Mo'Nique), Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Film Editing.
Overall, Precious is a very disturbing film that I don't think that many people would like. Doesn't quite deserve the Best Picture, Best Actress or the Best Director Oscar but it deserves every other Oscar it has been nominated for. Definitely one of the best films of 2009.