I wasn't sure what to expect from this flick but since I have a weak spot for Robert Downer Jr., I thought I should give it a try. Honestly, it was pretty obvious what the producers were up to. Following the surprising massive success of 'The Hangover', they decided to quickly cash-in on the popularity of the new funny guy in town, Zach Galifianakis. In the directing chair, you have again Todd Phillips and as the sparring partner, you have Robert Downer Jr., hotter than ever, so it sounded like a pretty good combo. Unfortunately, I didn't like it much, I'm afraid. Basically, it is some kind of a remake of 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' and even though I enjoyed this classic, it didn't really blow me away like good old Roger Ebert. Anyway, this new version didn't add much to the formula and I had really a hard time to care for the whole thing. Even though Galifianakis' character was more obnoxious than funny, Downey Jr. delivered the goods as usual and saved me from total boredom. There were a few cameos, some totally wasted (Juliette Lewis, Jamie Foxx) and some pretty good (RZA, Danny McBride) but, again, they didn't redeem the whole thing. To conclude, I think I'm being rather generous with my rating but I guess it is still worth a look, especially if you like the genre or the actors involved.