I didn't expect much from this flick but, somehow, I still wanted to check it out. When it was released, it was a flop, especially if you consider how big the budget was for a Jack Black vehicle. After watching it, I'm not really surprised it tanked. Basically, they tried to mix a classic fairy tale with a typical Jack Black comedy and that wasn't a good idea, that's for sure... I mean, as if young kids would care about Black frat humor and as if his fans would care about the Lilliput world... Furthermore, I really dread this trend to take a classic story and put into a modern context. I understand they do it so we probably can identify with the characters but it is just a tedious gimmick. Just keep the original setting and use our modern special effects to create a beautiful world, that's it. I felt above all bad for Emily Blunt... She is such a talented actress but, after all these years, I'm still waiting to see her in something truly amazing. Here, she had a small boring part and can you believe this? She was actually originally cast as Black Widow in 'Iron Man 2' but dropped out to be in this movie... I mean, 'Iron Man 2' was nothing amazing but the whole Marvel universe seems a little bit more interesting than Gulliver shenanigans... Anyway, to conclude, I have seen worse but it was still pretty damned average and I don't think it is really worth a look.