I have always been a huge fan of Al Pacino but, lately, his latest movies were at best rather average and often pure garbage, pretty much like Robert De Niro. So, it was with great pleasure to watch this flick from the good old days and, boy, back then, Al Pacino was nothing short of amazing. Even if the movie itself was pretty uneven, Pacino was really strong, giving one of his typical kinetic performances and the final monologue was just downright phenomenal. Unfortunately, like I said before, the movie itself didn't really convinced me. Indeed, even if the main character was always interesting, most of the other characters were either stereotypes (the evil judge, the nice looking girlfriend) or even clowns (his partner, the suicidal judge). As a result, they pretty much messed up the tone. Indeed, I really loved how gritty and realistically they portrayed the everyday life in the court room but every five minutes, they would throw a supposedly 'funny' scene for no particular reason than lighten up the proceedings. It seems that the makers didn't dare to go all the way into the grittiness making in the process one of the most fascinating court dramas ever made and decided to water down the whole thing to make sure they could appeal to a broader audience. Still, there was a lot of good stuff here, especially Pacino who has at the top of his game, and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.