Surprise Surprise! Another remake of an Asian Horror film. Hollywood sure has a lot to thank Asia for since they are grabbing tons of their ideas. Is this is a sign showing who is more original? Surely this remake must just suck because it's a remake right? Well guess what? As much as I'd like to say that, I don't think I can! Wow that is surprising! Because in most cases, in particular when they remake Asian horror films, they always turn out to be crap.
But I was pleasantly surprised in the fact that they did a decent job, though A Tale of Two Sisters still lights the candle for me. But Emily Browning pulls the weight of the film together and captures the innocence and timidness appropriate for the lead character, and does emotionally pull you towards her. I will commend her for that and for the filmmakers.
I didn't like how they made her sister however, a bit too tomboyish because for me it wrecked the relationship that was so special between the two sisters which was captured so well in the original. This was a really important thing and the original had so much emotion in particular with the ending that you were left with a sorrow and melancholy but also made you feel satisfied.
The acting in The Uninvited is decent. However, they didn't really capture Anna's (Emily Browning) illness very well, and was pretty much rushed in the beginning. People don't just snap out of an illness like that quickly.
Since this is made for Americans, I can forgive it for sticking to the formula. But I do wonder if they tried a bit of what the Asian horror films do; perhaps give it a bit of more style, something unique, that it could actually work. I mean the scary scenes are quite predictable, which is where I find myself going 'yeah something is gonna pop up', 'yep that is definitely a dream sequence' - and in most cases I am usually right. The original left you hanging because you weren't exactly sure what was happening.
The Uninvited also goes at a much quicker pace, which is good because you aren't left hanging too long. This is both good and bad depending on quickly you want to solve the mystery, but the Korean one went at a more slower pace, but it kept you guessing more and wondering what the house was about also. What's more, the original didn't reveal it so quickly what the hell was going on in the house in the first place.
OK, there are my comparisons. Remakes should essentially be judged by themselves, but of course it will get comparisons. Let met just say that to western audiences - If you can't read subtitles, then how can I expect you to read road signs when you are driving since you only get a few seconds and have to keep your eyes on the road? If you can do that, then reading subtitles will not kill you!!!! Nevertheless, this is a decent remake and I was satisfied with it, but the original is what you should really check out if you want something that feels more original (even if you see this first), authentic, better cinematography, more depth and overall, a better movie...